Chapter 6- Trouble

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"Shhhh'', Josh whispered as we tried to tiptoe down the fifty foot hill and not trip over any branches.

The only things on the hill are short, three foot bushes. There is barely any cover, so we have to crouch down to not be seen. The sky was midnight blue and small stars were speckled across the sky. The moon was up, illuminating our path down the hill.

"Ouch!" I muttered, hearing a loud whistle coming from the village.

I looked up, expecting to see a group of men with guns staring up at us, ready to shoot our brains out. Instead, I noticed we were almost to the crease of the hill.

A line of trees seemed to trail along the outskirts of the village. I made sure Josh saw them too.

We crawled even though our knees were already bloody from falling twice. We neared the trees.

"Could this be a trap? There was almost a circle of trees around the whole village", I asked Josh nervously.

"Well", Josh said inspecting the tree in front of us, "These apples look pretty real to me." JOsh smirked reaching up to grab a branch filled with the apples.

"To us, and hopefully rescuing Kathy", Josh stated, raising up our apples. I bit into mine.

I sighed. The apple was juicy and crisp. "I didn't realize how much I missed apples", I smile.

"Do we have to save Kathy?" I questioned greedily.

"YES!" Josh muttered, "Who knows what these people did to her? Come on, let's get moving."

As Josh took a step forward, I heard a wire bending... "STOP!" I shout.

Twang! The wire snapped. Suddenly Josh and I were jerked up. In seconds, we were dangling in a net from the apple tree.

I had a feeling these people weren't "natives". They must've went off the island to get supplies to build houses, a pool, and get wire. This just doesn't make sense. If the small island we're on isn't uncharted, then why haven't any rescuers came yet?

After pondering these questions for a while, I fell into an uncomfortable, restless sleep.

Crack! "Uh, hello?" I murmured, still half asleep.

I shivered. It was still pitch black out so I couldn't see who, or whatever was standing beside us.

Two white eyes were staring up at me, holding... A dart gun?

Phew, phew! I heard the whizzing darts before they lobbed into my, and more than likely Josh's sides.

I felt a sharp burning sensation where the dart landed. "Who are-" I managed to squeeze out before I fell into darkness.

A/N: Okay, before you read this part of the chapter, I know that this is really unrealistic, but just understand that these Natives are pretty high tech, and gave Tessa something to temporarily forget what happened on the island.

I floated through confused and hazy dreams for what felt like weeks. I woke up on my back, feeling a man's warm body against my side.

"Huh?" I said, rubbing my eyes and looking up. I saw concrete ceilings.

"Where am I?" I thought out loud. My back felt stiff. How did I get here?

I couldn't even remember how I got here. I tried to think but my whole brain felt cloudy.

Last thing I remember was being with Derek, cuddling in front of the television. No! Derek broke up with me in February, I thought.

Suddenly Josh Holloway's face pops up in my mind. Oh yeah, I saw Josh Holloway in the airport going to Los Angeles!

If I got off the plane, then where am I?

"Tessa?" I heard a southern accent say, interrupting me from my confused thoughts.

"Who are you? Did you kidnap me?" I yelled.

"Tessa it's me, Josh." A man that looked almost identical to my celebrity crush, Josh Holloway, said.

"Josh Holloway?" I asked.

The man nodded.

"Ohmigod I'm your biggest fan!" I screeched excitedly. I was soo happy, but why did I feel like I already knew him?

"She must have amnesia or somethin'." Josh Holloway mumbled to himself, looking worried. "Tess, you really don't remember me?" Josh said, a tear trickling down his face.

"You're not the real Josh Holloway, are you? Did Lacey or Derek put you up to this?!" I asked, my anger increasing. I wanted to cry.

Josh, still crying, grabbed my face. He stared into my eyes before bringing his face to mine.

I felt a spark in my lips and brain.

Suddenly all the memories of Josh and the island came back, like a video replaying itself.

I kissed him deeper, hugging him and running my hands through his hair.

"You remember me?", his blue eyes seemed to ask.

"I remember", I said winking.

I pulled him into a large embrace.

"I was so scared I lost you," Josh says.

That night, Josh and I sat together on the cold hard tile.

"They must've injected you with something", Josh conspired, "To make you forget what happened on the island."

"They" were the Natives. We realized they captured us. I decided that we must be in one of their buildings. None of the natives have came into our prison room yet.

"But the memories came back when you kissed me", I reminded Josh.

"If the Natives come to bring us food or something tomorrow, we're breaking out." Josh planned.

I agreed, and I fell asleep in Josh's arms.

I didn't know it was possible to be scared for your life but so happy at the same time.

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