Chapter 44: Goodbye

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The rift seemed to take longer than usual.
Or perhaps my nerves were getting to me.

And in seconds, I saw him.
Jūx was right in front of me, recoiling backwards for some reason...

I took a deep breath, surged all the courage my body could hold...and called out.

He spun around, his face scrunched in undescribable anger.

"No...not you..."

I held my sword forward, glaring at him with stern intent.
I had to do this.
For everybody.

"Yeah, it's me. Once again. And this is the last time you'll ever see my face or any face ever again. So come on, Darky. What're you going to do about it?"

He growled, crouching forwards and holding out his claws like some sort of vampire.
"Nothing...I don't even have to TRY with you, JJ. You're so weak! You're just a kid!"

"And what were you, Danny?"

His eyes widened for moment, and only a moment. He began to step to the side, trying to find a suitable angle of attack.
But I held my ground.
He wasn't going to intimidate me.
Not anymore.

His crimson gaze pierced my own the mere second before he attempted his first attack.
The way he moved, it wasn't human. More like a wolf, or a lion.
Leaping, mouth wide open in a deafening howl with sharp, yellow teeth.

I held my sword up, blocking the attack.
He knocked me back, ending up with us both flat on the nonexistent ground.

Holding the sword with both hands, I held him back.
His claws swung for me and his jaw opened and snapped shut continuously.

Four hits.

The sword could only take four more hits.

But I wasn't giving up.

His eyes seemed to be almost bursting from his skull as he screeched into my face.
This wasn't good.

With all the force I had, I pushed him back and quickly scrambled to my feet.

He skid a little, crouching down like werewolf on its hind legs.

Panting through his teeth, he glared at me, claws outstretched before him.

I simply put one foot back, held my sword forward and kept the stance that Nim had taught me in my first few days as a Warrior.
Except this time, it wasn't training.

Four hits.

I had to think of something.
And quick.

A wide grin spread across his face as some of those familiar, mutated figures began rising from the shadows surrounding us.

He was creating Darks.

"What's wrong, Jūx? Can't even fight your own battle!?"
I gloated.
But this was bad.

He was making lots, as in...LOTS of Darks appear.
And there was no way I could waste the sword on any of them.

Jūx crouched down further, screaming as his spine seemed to extend inside his body, exaggerating his animal-like figure while he hunched as spikes tore their way through his skin and covered his back.

He was becoming more of a monster.
At least the look fit his personality now, right?

All at once, Darks came leaping in my direction.
Claws outstretched and mouths wide open.

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