Chapter 12: White eyes

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"I can't believe Myrora actually got me drunk..."
I muttered, washing my face in the mirror.

"It's Myrora. What were you expecting? Any girl with a chest that big likes to drink a lot."

"Excuse me?!"

"Just stating the facts."
Jake shrugged, putting his tooth brush down.

I sighed, folding the towel once, twice then placing it carefully back down on the rack.

"Hey...when do you think Köleil and James'll come visit again?"

"No idea. But she's happy where she is. It's clear from just the way she looks at the guy that she adores him."

"But still. We've got recent notice from the greenlands again. We have to go tomorrow, Nim."

"Then we let them off and go without them. Simple."

"But James has only ever helped us ONCE. It's his job and his duty. Besides, Köleil was the strongest on the team. We need her."

"What, you saying I'm not good enough?"

"Ah! No, no! Just can only handle close range. Nim, your powers are...phenomenal, of course. What you can do...I mean, I was raised as a Warrior. I was taught about everything. I understood it all. But when I met was unlike anything I'd ever seen. So no, she's not better than you. It's just easier with the three of us."

"..Jeeze, I wasn't asking for an emotion packed monologue about your deepest feelings. I was kidding."


I giggled, slapping Jake's shoulder as I skipped out of the bathroom.

"You're such a numnut."


"Yeah, we got it...I already have...alright...yes, tomorrow, I swear...oh, she's just getting changed...what? No!....of course not!"

I listened through the door while I got changed as Jake spoke to Myrora on the phone.

"No, I'm not peeking! Why would! No, you can't! Tomorrow, okay? Bye."

Once I was wearing my usual, blue pajamas, I stepped back into the room.

Jake's room was always very dark. He rarely turned on any lights and had dark wallpaper too.

I waited for him to finish sorting out his swords in perfect, alphabetical order.



"Do you think you could...again tonight? You know I-"

"Yeah. It's okay. I know."
He said, smiling a little.

Walking me to my room, Jake said nothing else.

He may have been an emotional, dark, emo, expressionless buggar...
But he was MY emotional, dark, emo, expressionless buggar.
He was my Warrior.

Even if he could never return my true feelings, I'd fight by his side.
Though that didn't mean I could tell him how I felt.
I'd just hurt another.

I climbed in under the sheets and lay back as Jake turned on the lamp, sitting down on the chair beside my bed.

"...thanks, Jake. You've no idea how greatful I-"

"Shh. You need to sleep. You're tired."

Smiling, I closed my eyes and turned over, knowing I was perfectly safe.

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