Chapter 25: Dark Room

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How many times can a single sentence run through a human mind?

Alone, as I stared at the rays of light, blooming from behind some lonely, torn curtains.

Turning my head to the side, I watched the gentle dust particles float down to the floor, only visible through the rays of empty sunlight.
But only in my mind.

A blur of green, grey and various houses with a light blue, cloud less sky and a large sun that seemed tired of its constant work for many, miserable humans.
Keeping us alive, warm and yet no one did anything for him. Every day he'd wake up super early and stay up till we didn't need him. And what about the moon? He's awake all night to give us that faint, romantic light and look colossal beside the millions of tiny, irrelevant stars that shrouded his own beauty.
But only in my mind.

But what did I know?
I was just one of those many, pointless lives that drained them both.

The sun and the moon...

I wonder if they had ever met each other...
Was it possible? When one left, the other came.
Could there have ever been a time, however long ago, where both the sun and the moon had shared their pitiful, lonely sky.
Or had they always been separate?
Maybe they wanted to meet each other.
Maybe they just couldn't.
But only in my mind.

A glorious, golden sun.
A beautiful, silver moon.

But they had met.
Just not in the sky.

They had met in her eyes.
Such beautiful eyes...
I missed them...
So much...

I lifted my head slightly, glancing over my surroundings once more.
A small room, a large cupboard.
One or the other.

It was dark.
But there was walls.
Thank God.

The only small, source of light seemed to be coming from behind me and high up.
So no chance of seeing that.

Something was dripping from the roof into a small puddle, resting in the center of the room.




The walls didn't have a nice feel to them. Almost like a pavement or a road.
It hurt my hands.

There were no doors or windows that I could see.
But again, the light was behind me.
It was like moon light.
A gentle, silver beam.

Then there was me.
Trapped, high up against the back wall, unable to move even my wrists and ankles.
Wrapped in black chains like they were my cocoon. Black fabric wrapped all around my face and head, covering my mouth, my nose and my left eye.

There was only one gap for my right eye.
I guess he wanted me to see everything.

There was barbwire wrapped around my ankles, wrists and neck.

To say the least, it wasn't very comfortable.

How long had I been there?
I don't know.
I couldn't tell anymore.

But the infection had gotten worse.
I could feel it.
It burned.
Both arms, both legs, my shoulders and most of my waist was covered now.
It must have been him.
Being around him, being in his...playpen.
It must have been speeding up the process.

I could feel it.
I could feel every time it grew, every time it spread a little further I could feel it burning me, searing through my flesh.

I felt dizzy, sick, wrong.
It felt like slowly, slowly I was losing control of myself.
Like even my own thoughts were beginning to slip away.
And in that kind of situation, where all I had were my thoughts...
That wasn't good.

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