Chapter 1: The Rain

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"I'm sorry...but she won't make it..."

How many times can a single sentence run through a human mind?

"I'm sorry...but she won't make it..."

Alone, lying in silence on my old bed as I stared at the rays of light, blooming from behind the lonely, torn curtains.

"I'm sorry...but she won't make it..."

After all this time you'd think I'd be over it, right?

"I'm sorry...but she won't make it..."

But no.

That sentence, the doctors, her face, her voice would all float inside my mind.

My memory of her was more like a scar.

It hurt and though it's remains.

She deserved so much better, more time.

She deserved an actual life.

"I'm sorry...but she won't make it..."


"James? You dressed yet? Come on, we've got to go!"
Natalie's familiar voice called out from the stairs.

Maybe I should run away again tonight. It's not too hard to get out the window. And I could really use a break from this place.

"James! For gods sake, come on!"

"I'm sorry...but she won't make it..."

Turning my head to the side, I watched the gentle dust particles float down to the floor, only visible through the rays of empty sunlight.

Natalie burst into my room, hair fuzzy, make up rushed and clothes clearly not ironed.

"James! I told you, we're in a rush! It's already...are you still in your pajamas!?"

I put my arms behind my head and pretended to be interested in the ceiling.

"Oh, I see, you feel like that, huh? For goodness sake..."

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, Natalie stomped across my room and threw open the wardrobe, pulling out some jeans and a smart shirt.

"Here," she hissed, "was that so hard? I'm sure you can sort out your own underwear. Now hurry up!"

Just as flustered as when she came in, she stumbled out and back downstairs.

With a heavy sigh, I sat up and stretched.

Just another day.

"I'm sorry...but she won't make it..."


"Finally! Now come on, we're going to be late!"
Natalie panicked, pushing me inside the car, jumping in beside Paul.

"It won't be the end of the world if we're a little late, Nat."

Paul muttered, frowning as he pulled the car out of the drive.

"Yeah...I'm sure he can wait a few seconds..."

"James! What did I tell you about mumbling?"

"Dunno. Guess I must've forgot."

"Don't be like that with me, young man."

"Like what? A person? Is that a problem?"

Natalie sighed and shook her head, ignoring me for the rest of the ride.

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