Chapter 42: Into The Mind

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My eyes opened slowly and my entire body ached. Not much time had passed, maybe a few seconds at most.
I'd fallen.
And Jake had...

Jake sat up slowly, still clutching his stomach only a few meters away from me.
He'd saved me.
But no one was going to save him.

I got up onto my feet in seconds, pulling out the sword and holding a strong stance.
Jake looked at me and just carried on, standing up and stretching his arms.

"I'm not fighting you, James. So loosen up a little bit."

"Who's side are you on?"
I frowned, holding out my sword closer towards him.

"You won't listen to me whatever answer I give to you. Look, I'm trying to help you here. And I just saved your ass so be at least a tiny bit grateful, would you?"

It was hard to stay angry at him when he spoke and acted so casual.
Like the Jake I'd spent all that time with.

But he'd turned on me once.
I couldn't risk him doing it again.

"Yes, I defended Jūx. And it was dumb. And I'm sorry. But you're still able to kill him. There's still time."

"What about the others? The people you killed?! My damn sister?!"

Jake sighed, looking away from me.
"...Christ, I was a kid, James! I didn't know what I was doing!"

"But you still did it! You chose your brothers life over all the others! You've been working for him this entire time, haven't you?!"

"What? James, no, I-"

"You sent everyone away. You were never on our side! You never wanted to kill him!"
Maybe I was getting a little too pissed off.
But I couldn't help it.

Jake stood up and held out his hands.
"James, relax. Please. I'm trying to help-"

I charged forwards, slashing the sword down upon him.
But in that split second Jake had pulled out his Katanas and blocked my attack.
And we stood there.
Just like we had on the roof.

I fought against his force though he seemed to be putting in no effort.

"You killed people for him. How do I know you won't kill anyone else?"

"James, the sword-"

"How do I know that you won't turn on my friends?!"

"....because you know me, James. You know I wouldn't do that. I am your friend."

I stared into his eyes with that damn, emotionless expression.
And I felt the anger slipping away.

"Now listen to me, you've wasted two hits with that thing. You only have five left. You can't waste it, James."

I pulled back, not tearing my gaze away from him.
" young were you?"

"You were there. We must have been about the same age, give or take a year or two."

"No, when you first started. When you first killed a kid because he told you it was right."

"I dunno. I've spent the rest of my life trying to block those memories out."

"And my sister? Why her? Why no one else? Why did you specifically go there, to that building for her?"

"You'd have to ask Jūx."

"...why...if you didn't like what you did...why did you smile? Why did you look like you enjoyed it? Why didn't you just get it over and done with?"

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