Chapter 36: Stories

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"Jake I...I think he's coming back...what do we do?"

"Right, now we all need to let go at the same time. Release on three. One...two......three!"
Everyone pulled their hands away at the same time as James formed back in the center with some sort of weapon in his hand.

Köleil leaped at him before he could even open his eyes, wrapping her arms around him tightly.
James laughed, hugging her back as everyone relaxed.

"So James, how'd it go? What did she say?"
Jake asked, not wasting any time.

"Not much. But I do however have this."


"It's special. Kaîlei's very own. Though it can only withstand seven hits before it will break. I have to use it to kill Jūx. I have to stab him in the heart."

"...everyone get your things together."
Jake mumbled, walking out of the room.

"Wait, Jake! What's going on?"
I called out to him.

He paused in the doorway, not turning back.
"...we're...we're getting this over and done with. We're getting rid of him and we're fixing it all. We'll kill Jūx, heal James and find out a better way to help Köleil."

"Jake, I don't think it's that simple. Köleil is-"

"Get your things. We leave in twenty minutes. No more, no less."
And he was gone.

That boy certainly was a mystery.
One minute he's hugging you and being sweet, the next he's back to his old self.
So why did my heart still flutter whenever he spoke? has to be the corniest thing I've ever said in my entire life...

Moving swiftly on.


I went upstairs to find Jake before we left.
He was just sat on his bed, head in his hands.
He clearly had something on his mind.



"I...I was just wondering...if James was with the First then how come he's still darkening? Surely, being surrounded by so much light energy, he'd have healed, right?"

"Kaîleika gave him that weapon for a reason. It has a certain capability when in our realm compared to hers. And it's the same for her powers. She can do little here. Even if she had healed him, as soon as he got back he'd be exactly the same. Her powers can't last through different realms. That sword, however, can. That's why we need to be careful. It's delicate."

"...okay. are you feeling?"


"You seem down. Is something wrong?"

"How I feel isn't important at times like these, Nim."

"Of course it is! You should never push your feelings away, no matter what!"
Even though I had been for a long time...
Why couldn't I just say it?
Why was it so hard?


He looked up, staring into my eyes as I took a deep breath.

"...I...found you...when you were very young..."

"I know. I was kind of there."

" hated me. Remember?"

"Not really. I don't remember much from back then."
He muttered, looking away again.

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