Chapter 9: Red Eyes Darken

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I mumbled, opening my eyes and squinting in the harsh sunlight.


"Are we...where are we?"

"Somewhere above the forest. Don't worry, I have got you."

I turned my head in an attempt to get a better idea of where we actually...

We were flying.

Chuckling a little, I looked back at Köleil.

"So...wings, huh? Definitely wasn't expecting that."

"Köleil has always had the wings. I can also do more things but haven't needed to with you yet."

"...fair enough."

Feeling safe in Köleil's soft grip, I relaxed and thought pointless, endless thoughts.


I answered, not opening my eyes.

" you like Köleil?"

"Of course."

" you think Köleil is a good Guardian? Do you think I"

"Of course! I trust you, Kö. Stop worrying. I think you're amazing and always will. Okay?"

She didn't reply.

I looked at her, watching her face as she stared off into the distance with her wings silently flapping behind her. The sun shone around her, a halo of light with the skys bright, blue background completing her portrait.
Soft, pale face, big, shining eyes, beautiful, long, flowing hair...
She was the image of a goddess.
An angel.
A Guardian angel.
My Guardian.

It was then she began singing.
A beautiful, flawless melody that naturally echoed through the world.
A soft, sweet, calming voice.

"H...hey, Kö?"


"I just wanna say...I...I're.....I think you're-"


Quickly, I fumbled around for my phone, hoping it didn't slip out of my pocket and fall down to the world below as I did.
"H-hello? Who's this?"

"James, it's Jayden. Where the hell are you?!"


In the sky being carried by a winged Köleil.
Yeah, no.

"I'm...I'm with Kö"

"When are you coming back?!"

"Why? What's up?"

"I-I remember Keiran!"


"I remembered him and as soon as I did, I felt ice cold and everything went black! I don't know what's happened but I can't see anything! I-I'm scared!"

"Okay, hold on. We'll figure this out. I'll go find Nim and I promise we'll find you."

"Please...I.....what....what are! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!"

"Jayden? Jayden, can you hear me?!"


After that small whisper in an unfamiliar voice and over a minute of violent static, the phone cut off.

"Köleil! Something happened to Jayden! Quick, we need to get home, NOW!"

"Got it. I will go to Nim and she will take us right away!"

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