Chapter 29: Sun & Moon

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Long, long ago, there was only the Sun and the Moon. And without a world or sky to stop them, they'd gaze upon each other's beauty while living happily.
And in peace.

One day, the world around them grew dark.
They didn't know why or how but they weren't afraid.
Because they were together.

All around them, glowing balls of light emerged through the darkness.
And after many, many years, so did land.

True, this only what they saw.
It all could have been completely different.
But they were still happy.
And that was all that mattered to them.

Together, in their great curiosity, they took care of this little land.
Only being a small piece of rock, an island if you will, it didn't do much to entertain them.

But they still took care of the little land.

As each day went by, the land moved a little further away until it was just in their sights.
This made the Sun sad and the Moon desperate to bring back its light.
But there was nothing he could do.

Falling deeper into sorrow, the Sun's light began to fade.
The Moon tried to warn her.
But there was nothing he could do.

When the Sun realised, it realised too late.
Its light had gone.

There was only one path for the Sun after that.
To fade away, along with its light.

But the Sun didn't want to leave the Moon.
And the Moon didn't want the Sun to leave.

So, in the final moments of her existence, the Sun cast out her magic, letting the power flow, right from her core.

And something emerged.
But the something didn't float.
The something fell.

And with that, the Sun was gone.

And the Moon was alone.

The something was afraid, she was confused.
She was new to this world, it was her first time existing.

But the something soon landed.
And she landed with a splash.

She landed in something cold.

It was water, though she didn't know it yet.
Clambering out, she made her way onto the land.

It was the small piece of land.
The small island.
In the centre was a small pond of pure, blue water.
Beside that pond stood a large tree, tall and proud.
This was a willow tree, its branches hanging over as if to protect whatever lay underneath.
And beside that tree was a small, blue bush.

So the something lay.
Confused and disoriented, she slept.

The Moon watched the something from a distance and did his best to help her.
But there was nothing he could do.
He couldn't provide the warm, living light the Sun once had.
He couldn't protect the something.
Not how he was.

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