Chapter 10: A White Lily Lost

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"Hey! Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!" way...

"Alright, alright....I'm up..."
I grinned, pushing Lily back as she giggled.

"Well, you weren't up."

"I am now. And I've said before, you don't need to jump on me every morning."

"Yeah, then I said I wouldn't unless it's a special day! And today is....go on....what's today?"

" birth-"

Lily jumped back at me, wrapping her arms tightly around my shoulders and knocking me over once more.

How was was this possible?!

" big, dumb brother is really growing up. I can't believe you're 12 today..."

"Yeah, life is just rushing past, huh?"

"Well, that's okay! Cuz you're spending it with meeee!"

Lily...she was front of me...
It was so strange. I had my own thoughts but couldn't control what I did or said.

Was I imagining this?
But it was so real...

As I climbed out of bed, Lily clutched my hand, like always as we made our way downstairs.

"Oh, there he is! How's my little birthday boy?"
Natalie cheered, squeezing me tightly and ruffling my hair.

"M-Mum! Come on, you're so embarrassing!"
Though I blushed and tried to push her away, I was smiling. Everything seemed so perfect back then.

Lily...she was so beautiful...
Brown hair and big, green eyes.

Just like me.

Except her hair was long and frizzy.

She was so perfect.
She was only 11.
I was only 12.
We were only kids.
It wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair.

"Oh...what a lovely scene..."
He was there.
Of course, my 12 year old self couldn't see him and didn't move to look, but he was right there.
Just in the corner of my vision.
Glowing, red eyes and all.

"Hey, mum? So what are we doing for James's birthday?"
Lily asked, leaning over the table to grab some pancakes.

"Well, me and your dad have booked a small place for a party. All of your friends from school will be there."

"Woah! Thanks, mum! Hey, maybe one year you could take us to the aquarium? I've never been before and it'd be really cool!"

"Well, we'll see, honey."

Oh...I hadn't remembered that I...

"Yaaaay! That's right, next year, me and JJ will go to the aquarium and see all the different fishes!"
Lily cheered, looking as lively as always.

And yet he still just stood there. Watching.


"Okay. Eat up, kids. The rest of the family will be over soon to give Mr Birthday boy all his presents!"

"Mum! Come on, I'm WAY too old for presents now!"

"Well...I heard that Aunt Julie got that new game you were so excited about..."

"No way! Dark Souls?! Are you kidding!?"

Natalie laughed, shaking her head and smiling at the younger me.

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