Chapter 16: NoName

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"Um...this is a lake..."


"So what's the awesome thing?"


Myrora slowly lifted her arms, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.
The world turned silent as gentle rainfall began, pittering and pattering on the grass, on us and into the lake.

In the sky, blue became grey.
Yet in the most beautiful way.

Clouds grew silver, sun grew blue.
I couldn't move.

Mesmerized, I was frozen merely meters from Myrora as she stood at the edge of the lake.

I'd have thought I'd gone death if there was no rain.
So quiet, peaceful.

Myrora moved slowly, lowering her arms as she sang a soft melody through the near silence.

From the edge of where she stood and spreading throughout, the water became gold.

Her song slowly coming to an end, she turned and smiled at me.

"...pretty cool, right?"

"It's did you do this?"

"Technically, I didn't. All I really did was change your perception. Nothing has actually changed."

"Either way, this is beautiful. In the strangest way."

"Well, this is what I can really do."
She said, raising her hand and raising the water with it.

"I can manipulate any kind of elemental structure. It helps out a lot."

"That sounds...awesome..."

Myrora grinned as the world around us faded back to normal.
We both sat on the warm grass by the lake, staring beyond its glistening horizon.

"Each Guardian is special. No two of us will ever have the same ability. It's insane."

"Yeah. Amazing though."
I smiled, leaning back on the grass, watching soft clouds float by.

"I heard that you'd seen one of Köleil's transformations? The one with the blade wings?"

"One of?"

"Oh yeah, she's got loads. Didn't you know?"

"No idea. So she has wings as well as the ability to change like that?"

"They come together really. Like mine with the elements and perception. And Charlie with the future sight and levitation. And Nim with her lightning and light. And-"

"Okay, okay, I think I get it now. But Nim's...lightning and light? What's light?"

"It means she can make a Dark light. Set their souls free."

"You're kidding?!"

"Nope. It's really cool, I know. But the sad thing is, she can only do it once a day. Otherwise there wouldn't be any Darks. Back when things were simple, it wasn't a problem. We could keep ahead of things and keep people safe. But that big, creepy bugger just keeps making more..."

"You mean Jūx?"

" know his name?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"...I...I dunno. I just didn't expect you to. You're new."

"Actually, I've seen him too. And spoken to him."

Myrora's eyes widened.
"You're serious?! Why haven't you told anyone?!"

"I-I didn't realise he was such a big deal! He just toyed with me a little."

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