The Dress for a Ball, a Book that Hides All

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Bold- Time skip, Shizuo's words, or Queen of Heart's speaking

Italics- Word importance or Queen of Soul's speaking

Italics, Bold, and Underline- (Y/n)'s Dream Diary

(Y/n)'s POV

Starring at the girl in shock, she only held her charming smirk seemingly more of a smile. 'Of all things she asks, it's asking to recruit me...unless.' As my (E/c) eyes harden into a deep scowl, "You want to turn me into one of your vampire lackeys."

"No, no, no." Shizuka walked around my form, as if watching an preditor looking at its prey. "I'm just intruged at your character. You're different from the rest in this academy, maybe this world if one looks closer."

the mention of world surprised me, but I didn't show it, not if that's what she wanted.

Stepping back into the shadows, her eyes never leaving my form, "When you see something a threat, your eyes change, did you notice. They have this, gleam, if I should say, and voices that speak into my mind."

Shock was written on my face, 'Words?'

"And they?"

Only her giggling reached my ears, "I'll tell you what they are if you agree to one of my requests. Till then, (Y/n)." Was her whisper near my ear, shivering at her voice. It unnerved me how it sounded, it sounded like, when Aido talks seductively to the girls.

But Shizuka's were...different.

'What the hell is going on here? Voices? Shizuka asking me to join? Is this something new to my abilities?' Shaking at the sudden thoughts, I couldn't help to think if this affected any of my friends.

Running to my dorm, the only thing running into my mind was if any of the vampires get these thoughts?

Next Day

"The result are in and our class is not in charge of organizing the ball! That means we may get ready for the up coming event!" I announced to my whole 2nd year classroom, many of them cheered, mostly the girls. Squealing at the thought of dancing with one of the Night class boys, few of the boys would boast that they would dance with one of the Night class girls.

"Although this classroom passed, few of the second years failed. So, if ya decided to go with a friend who is a second year, possibility they failed."

"What! Seriously!"

"I knew she should've studied!"

"Those idiots..."

"Now, now, don't be harsh to our classmates. They knew what was coming and they got what they deserve." Trying to calm the bummed out classmates of knowing few of the classrooms failed. Mina glanced at me to my right, turning back to the students, "Another note, if you wish to help out in the organizing the ball, this will go down as community service."

"That's all, dismissed." Dismissed our teacher, smiling to the whole classroom, as they left in groups or ran out to meet a friend. While me and Mina began to put our books away, "You going to the ball?"

Nodding to the dark haired girl, "For sure!"

"With who?" That there made me stop for a moment, but continued on. "N-no one."

"You hesitated and stuttered."

"Stop pointing them out Mina." I could already feel her smirk on her face, "Is it a boy."

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