He. Bit. ME!

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Bold- Timeskip

Italic- Flashback

(Y/n)'s POV

As I walked around the area, with my trusty boxes of Pocky. With three of the flavors, chocolate, strawberry, and almond. (An-if you don't like any of these flavors. pretend they're your other favorites) And munched on the chocolaty sweet biscuit, as I hummed with pleasure. As I continue to eat the heaven of a snack, I kept recalling our meeting with the headmaster. Before we even begin our scout.


After all that hectic incident with the fangirls. I'm sitting on the father's office couch, which I claimed! And ate the Pocky that Shiki gave me. I'm with good terms with few of the Night class students.

For Example, I'm great friends with Takuma, he's my Sempai~! knowing each other for nine years, with the same interests.

Shiki and I are in a mutual friendship...I think? I do know he does enjoy my presence. And he quoted, "You're daily action, or as you say routine, is very enjoyable."

Kain...His cool, very calm and mature. He makes funny reactions when I poke his button.


And the rest of the Night class, I could care less. I'm not going to mention that Kuran. We know where we stand.

Zero kept on and on about more help with disciplinary and then saying Yuki is useless, all that stuff.

"And this one here, can't even stay in one place." Stated the deadpanned Zero.

"Oh no sunny! Don't go around pointing fingers just because you're always late, saying how meaningless the Night class and Day class cross time switch!" I huffed.

"That's what I said!" Concluded Yuki, while giving Zero the evil eye.

"And besides, Mina, and I quote, "I won't be security for a bunch of jabberwockys." And shoved ice cream in my mouth, thank kami-sama it's (F/Ice cream)!" I cheered, since I got free ice cream.

"You're hopeless..." grumbled the young hunter.

"No, you love!" And continued to hug Zero, "Now call me Big sister~" I said while giving him the deadpan smile.

He began to squirm around from my hold, with this pink blush. "You know I'm months older then you."

"But I'm a second year student, and you're still a first year." Was my big come back.

It's true, ever since we got here in this school. Yuki couldn't meet the schools standers and was held back.  Even with the help of the district, teachers, tutors, and our father, she couldn't improve her grades. And Zero following along, even though we all know he's pretty smart. I know, I love Yuki and all...But, this is my education. I can't wait for someone to keep up. I must succeed my father and for them.

"Sh-Shut up!"Cried Zero, and ran off.

"Ahh~! My little Zero is running from his Sempai...Hehehe~"

I didn't notice Yuki already left, until I heard a cough. And turned to father.

"Ahhh? Yes father?" I cutely asked, with a childish blush formed.

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