Studying, the Twins, and the deal

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Third Person's POV

"What are you doing (Y/n)?"

"Young miss! What are you doing? You'll be late for your studies."

"I can shield you from harm like all those years ago. But, I need you to become stronger as well."

All these voices were the dreams, memories, and visions. One and the other overlapping (Y/n)'s mind, as her face was contorted into confusion and stress. 'I'm not even one step closer to figuring out my past...What is my past?'

The sound of the double doors opening knocked (Y/n) packed to reality and watched silently as the Night class exited their dorms. Today, there was hardly any Day class girls, knowing that failing the exams means being the class to decorate the ball and working the most while the rest may prepare themselves before hand. 'the ball doesn't sound so fun anymore...'

Watching the Night class students pass, she missed the moment Zero pulled Yuki away from the stolen body who tried to play with the brunettes hair. But failed when Maria saw the (H/c)nette unfocused to the world and her eyes holding such a sadden look. Making the girl smile lightly, as she glided towards her form and pushed her bangs back from the woman view.

Surprising (Y/n), Yuki, and Zero, as the girls (E/c) met blue, as the two stared at the other. While Maria smiled brightly, as her eyes soften when she met her gaze, "I like it better when your eyes meet mine. They have this beautiful shade of (E/c)." Giggling as she left the girl to touch her hair, where the vampire's touch lay before.

Zero felt his senses high and those sudden voices he hasn't heard for long time, since the incident concerning (Y/n)'s out burst.

Danger in those eyes.

Don't anger.

Don't hurt.

Don't cry.

But the voices added another sentence.

But protect.

Yuki felt her heart racing when Maria suddenly focused her attention on her older sister, each thump scared her, but the feeling...

As she watched her sister's gaze continued to watch the new student walking away with the Night class. Yuki lightly frowned at this, 'Nee-chan...?'


Zero pulled the two to where the schools fountain lay, not letting the Day class hearing their conversation about the new transfer student, Maria Kurenai. Zero glaring at the waters of the fountain, while Yuki three feet away from the hunter, her sister next to her in confusion at Zero's sudden action.

"What's going on?"

"I told you, stay away from that transfer student."

"Yeah, but why?"

"Doesn't matter! What ever you do, don't get involved with her, especially you, (Y/n)." As his resolve of not letting the Cross sister's involving themselves with the silver haired vampire. Knowing the two, they'll try to find out why his strange behavior towards the girl. But he didn't know was the eldest already knowing why. As he walked passed the two, leaving one word that shocked Yuki and (Y/n) at his tone at the end, "I beg you."

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