New home, New life

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(Y/n)'s POV

So far from what I found out these two weeks, I'm a eight year old girl. One year older then Yuki, and Yuki is now my new little sister. At first I thought she would be annyoning; But I began to warm up to her.

Finally, the pistols that brought me here are gone! At first I thought I lost them in the snows, until today.


"(Y/n), Dear~! Can you come over here just a second!" Called Chairman Cross, other known as, father.

"Coming father!" I called back.

For the past week, I've never stopped calling him that. I didn't care if he acted weird or he acts or looks like a woman. I have a family, and I'm not taking it for granted. It's the thing I hate when a child just screams I hate you to a loving parent, when they want the best for you. Or when they just don't show at least some form of a appreciation! And not give them the cold shoulder(AN-*Cough*Yuki!*Cough*). I don't know about the other's with an un-understanding parent.

I walked into the living where father was calling from. To only see my least favorite vampire; Kaname Kuran.

He smiled at my way, Yuki wasn't here today, due to her grades. So she stayed for tuttering, she'll flip when she finds out Kaname's here.

"(Y/n), it's nice to see you well and healthy." He calmly stated, with a hint of happiness. I don't understand why?

"Uh...Hi Kaname, What're you doing here. Not that I'm against you visiting Yuki or anything."

His face fell for a moment, then he gave this impasive look. Nothing new here, but...He looked sad when I said that.

"I've heard from Kaien, saying that you have the creators and distroyer mark."

He walked over to my small form and pulled down my turttle neck shirt. I blushed immensely, and slapped his hand away angrily. He does this in the anime, thinking he could do this to all the females in this anime. But, when it comes to me, you cross the line buddy.

"Don't you dare touch me again! Don't ever, you sick freak!" I said angrily.

He didn't flinch at my slap, but held this saddness in his mehogany eye's. He looked at Cross, who nodded. And walked over to me, and kindly smiled; with his fatherly aura.

"Now (Y/n). I need to see if you have the mark. It's very quick, I promise okay." He smiled lovengly, in a fatherly way.

"Okay daddy." I smiled.

I couldn't get rid of the gleeful feeling in my chest, every time he gives me this fatherly look. I would feel the warmth and safety from him.

'So this is how it feels when your father loves you.'

He pulled the collar of my shirt, I thought they're just seeing things.

Until dad held his breath.

"I knew it."

He moved aside to let Kaname see, I wanted to yell him to back away. But dad made sure we had our distance. Kaname kneeled a distane before me, and looked at my neck.

'He better not bite me. Or shit will go down.'

"Just as you said Cross. She has the mark...(Y/n), can you call the names of your weapons." Calmly said Kaname, as he could ever be.

"Weapons? Oh!"

I then remebered the pistols. But how do I call them, I touched where the mark is. I don't know how it looks like, but if I had to guess from the mirrors reflecting in their eyes.

The Eclipse child- Vampire knight x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora