Top Ten reasons why I hate Yuki Kuran Cross

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[This rant has strong langue, and spoilers, as well as an OC. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]

9-Hi everyone! This aiime9 or 9, which ever, today is not a chapter. But a rant, mine will focus on why I hate Yuki Kuran/Cross. As you can see to the top or side, saying top ten most annoying characters in anime. Yuki Cross made it to number 7, which I believe she should be number 1. You can see how much I hate her.  

Ember-Yes 9, we see it. I have to deal with your stupid rants everyday.

9- Why are you so mean to me. TT^TT

(9 and Ember: Please remember this is why I/9 hates Yuki, you don't have to agree. This is mainly my/9's view points of hating the character.)

Ember- On with the rant.


 9- When we're introduced to Yuki, we see her as a confused and traumatized after the Level-E attack, and being saved by Kaname Kuran. At first I thought of her cute and innocent girl. But as I see her more on the first episode, I get annoyed with her voice. I hate her voice! Both the Japanese and English. I'm not against the actresses voice acting; but trying to portray as the innocent and confused girl just seemed to...How do I say, forced. I don't see the innocents. I see a fake innocent girl. And the actresses should left the computer to be her voice, they shouldn't put their great voice acting on this chick.

Ember- In other words, she was a lost cause.


9- Yuki is to demanding. She demands all the girls in the Day class and Zero, and tends to be very bossy, even though she's the "innocent" type. Don't insult Fluttershy! As we see her as a vampire, she gets more and more demanding, when she finds out she could control other vampires! Bullshit her saying, "I want you to follow me in your own free will." Bull-shit!

Ember- Even I can see that. She may not seem like it. But she does want to much, which will leads to the next number. 


9- She's very nosy. She tends to put her nose in Zero's business and past. If I were her and I want to know what happened to my friend/adopted brothers demons in his life. I'd would ask if he's okay! If he's not over the incident. I wouldn't go deeper into his life. I wouldn't want him being nosy in my life either, unless I tell him myself.

Ember- Yuki tends to butt into peoples troubles when she shouldn't. If the person seems to show needing saving, then you take action. Zero obviously seemed too, but didn't want others to part take in it. Which is why she forced herself onto him. She really needs to stop snooping around, and be a good little girl. And not some brat. 


9- She mistreats her adopted father, Kaien Cross. Never once, not once without being reminded that he was the kindest and loving adopting father, ever. She never called him father, not once, not fucking once! The man provides for her, gives her love when her parents passed away, taught her to protect herself, gave her education. This man gave her everything, a loving father could ever do.

Ember- While she's being selfish, many would appreciate having something to cling on to the word father. I'll give an example; think Fairy tail, all the dragon slayers never met their birth parents, but welcomed their adopted parent. Loving them undyingly, when the dragons all disappeared, many were heartbroken. They never gave up looking for them either. While you have this little wench, never showing at least the love and appreciation to the man. 

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