Berry Tanaka

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Name: Berry Tanaka  ベリー  田中

Age: 17

Hair color and length: messy orange hair

 Eye color: Emerald

Race: Vampire

Rank: B, aristocrat  

Ability or weapon(?): Space manipulation

Family: Father, mother, Mary Tanaka/sister

Relationship Status: single(he wished he wasn't)

Year: 2nd

Class: Night Class

Personality: Likes to tease others, protective to those he cares and loves, friendly, childish(only with (Y/n), determined, very understanding, shy(only with Mina).

Bio: Ever since the twins were born they were destined for greatness, quoted their parents, since the two have the greatest elements known to man and vampire. Berry wielded Space and was able to form barriers, silent sound, combust the atoms at will, Negate gravity, and many more to discover. But, these powers were the reason why the pressure was on them. Mary had trouble with her powers and avoided her parents hungry hands for higher status. Leaving Berry to defend his sister and himself. 

Berry may seem playful, but he's no pushover and understand whatever situation at hand. And will use this as a form of deception to others.

Berry and Mary are very close, but not as Hikaru and Karou close, he's overprotective of his younger sister and won't allow others to harm her. Ever since Mary began to brake down from her vampiric abilities, he's been keeping a watchful eye on her. (Will be explained further in Mary's bio.)

Berry has an absolute crush on Mina, ever since they met in elementary, he's been determined to befriend her. Though, many attempts and rejects to get the girl to befriend the twins was a difficult task. Eventually, she accepted them as friends.

Berry isn't a Kaname follower, nor does accept Kaien's form of pacifist ideology will help unite the vampire world with humans. The only person he follows, along with Mary, Mina, and the others, is (Y/n). And accepts her ideology of accepting both races faults and not turn a blind eye of their histories. As (Y/n) puts it, "Both sides are stained with blood, both human and vampire. It's the natural instinct for war and violence. We adapt and create an evolution from it. As ugly as it may seem, it is life. One is born, another must die to create progress. I'll make those sacrifice so that the future generation doesn't have to."

(AN- Hey minna! Here's Berry! Also, for the oc competition, there's already four ocs entered, I've only accepted two already, so those who wished to enter may have a chance. But so far it's being slow. 

Once Mary's bio is uploaded, that's it, I'll accept the already entered ocs.

 The reason I'm not updating the story, is because I want to include those four ocs. So, if you're one of those people who'll get upset for not looking through the story and want to include theirs at the last second, it's not my problem. I want to include my readers ocs and get the story going.

It's bad enough I get update demands in my stories when I already placed "No update demands" signs on the books description and no one reads them. It's stressful enough that I'm in college and I get these demands. So, humour me and bare with it.

Thank you to those who've already submitted and those who're patient.

Till then, ja ne minna!)

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