The Hollywood Bastard

Start from the beginning

"Well" I commanded without looking at him.

"Mr Jackson sir, they asked if you could go over to the set, it appears their is some small problem, they need your advice on" he stood stock still hands clasped in front of him, head bowed like a naughty school boy in the principals office.

"Great" I muttered then in a louder voice " Fine, tell them I'm on my way, now get out and get me a ride" flapping my arm at him in a dismissive gesture and true to form he fled, shouting over his shoulder.

"Yes Mr Jackson, I'm right on it sir" as he almost slammed the door in his haste to get out.

I sighed, a small problem meant one of two things, more money required or I would need to fire someone.

As I stormed out of the office and passing Willard's desk I pierced him with my no nonsense glare and smirked inwardly as he shrank back and looked most uncomfortably.

"Ride?" I hissed.

"Ri.., right outside the front door waiting for you sir"

I turned and headed for the lift, I strode with purpose and all the office staff dived out of my way even if it meant having to drop what they were carrying and pick it up after I passed, I could feel and hear the relief from the workers on this floor as the doors of the elevator closed, I just smirked to myself.

As the lift reached the first floor and the doors started to part, a surge of workers pressed towards the opening only to stop as one and back up parting like the red sea to let me through.

I didn't bother to look at them or acknowledge their mumbled greeting just swept on past reception and another new plastic Barbie's, I gave her a quick once over and watched as she blushed and licked her bottom lip.

' You'll do for some afternoon entertainment ' I thought as I returned my attention back to the exit.

The driver scurried around and held the door open on the limo as I slid in, he touched the peak of his cap muttering a good afternoon, before quickly shutting it and practically running to get into his seat.

He knew I didn't like waiting, also I didn't do small talk and he probably couldn't wait to be rid of me as well.

We entered through the large gate onto the film lot and headed to studio six a giant warehouse type building where they were filming a science fiction sequel.

The original being a great success with the critics and public alike, so that unfortunately meant I had to keep the original cast together to ensure more success for JJF Studio's.

I entered through the massive open Hanger type doors and headed to the shoot, on reaching the directors chair to find him standing looking towards me, he greeted me and I nodded.

I raised my eyebrows in a well why and I here expression.

" It's Poppy and Rachel they are arguing over the hairstylist, apparently she's that good , they are jealous of each others hair and want the stylist to be theirs exclusively.

He led me to the trailer used for makeup and upon entering I could hear the whining and arguing from the two Prima Donna stars, god I hated dealing with bitchy women.

They turned as I walked up to them and both started to talk at once, I held up my hand to silence them and looked around a young girl stood in the background almost in tears hands by here side and head bowed.

I beckoned with my finger for her to approach and she obliged by shuffling forward, head still bowed.

"Are you the stylist" I asked.

She nodded her head still without looking up.

The two stars, started to try and talk to me , I waved them quiet again.

I looked at the girl and putting my hand out I lifted her chin up so she had to look at me with tears barely held in check.

"You're fired" I said without emotion "Pack your stuff and get out"

This was to much for the girl who broke into tears, rushed around the trailer gathering up her things and throwing them in her bag and still crying she brushed past me and out the door.

I looked back at the two shocked stars and with a smirk said.

"Now you will both look the same and no more arguing"

I then turned on my heels and left without another word being spoken.

As I got back in the car to head back to the office, I wondered if the reception with the cute smile was still there I could do with some entertainment in the bedroom tonight, but first I'll need Willard to arrange a replacement for her tomorrow, as there is always a scene when they get to do the walk of shame and I inevitably end up firing them.

Hell life was good!

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