His eyes were blazing now. He took a step forward covering the small space I maintained between us. Coming chest to chest me. I moved back only get collided with another chest. I wish I had a shrinking potion right now.

At that precise moment when I thought I was going to die – okay, dying was a bit exaggerated – sound of footsteps came from the stairs. Blondie looked over the stairs. His eyes narrowed further and became more menacing. If that was even possible.

He stepped away from me, much to my relief, and regarded the just arrived guest to our little party. By the look on his face, he wasn't pleased with their arrival. I turned around to look but my line of sight was blocked by the hair pulling man. Now that I was face to face with him I really saw him. The man was huge. Like really huge. Like a towering building. Like a mountain. Like a ... Okay you get it, right?

Getting a hug from him would give bear hug a whole new meaning. Not that I was looking forward to hug him. Ever.

"You got them! That's good. Now bring them at the back of the hospital. We'll take them to Damian from there." First, Ramone. And now Damian. Who are these people? I stepped sideways to get a peek.

MIB men. There were five of them. Were they working together? The others and them?

"Who told that they are going to Damian? We got them first so we're taking them to Ramone."

"But that was not what was decided." The man who spoke had the slightest hint of an accent. Same as the two men who broke into Ian's apartment and who shot at us.

"It wasn't decided, either, who's going to take them." Blondie looked over his shoulder and ordered, "Eric! Bat! Get Ian. John! Take the girl."

The white hulk grabbed me by my arm. His grip was so tight it almost cut the blood circulation to my right hand. I struggled against his hold. Trying to free myself. But all my effort went to waste. His grip was unyielding. Desperately, I looked over Ian who was held by two strongly built, if not huge like the white hulk, men.

Unlike me, he was silent. His eyes were on the MIB men. May be it was my imagination but it looked like Ian was willing to get taken to this Ramone person. Now that the MIB men had entered the scene.

Blondie had only taken one step when the one speaking on behalf of MIB men blocked him. "You're not taking them anywhere!"

"And who's going to stop me? You?" From here blondie's face wasn't visible but by the tone of his voice it wasn't hard to guess that he was smirking at the MIB man.

I don't know what happened next. Or who started it. There was a lot of cursing, fist flying, kicking and shoving. I was pulled and pushed like a lifeless doll. It wasn't doing wonders to my already banged up head. Dizziness ganged together with nausea and hit me like series of tidal waves.

At one point I was free from all the pulling and pushing. Managing not trip on my own legs I dragged myself to a pillar and hid behind it. The scene in front of me was as if it was torn straight out a gangster movie. Though my head was all muddled it was fairly clear that if we didn't escape now then we won't be able to later. Not at least alive. But where was Ian?

Without my glasses, from this distance, each face looked the same. Moving white patches. A hand clamped over my shoulder making me scream. One of the man who held Ian had found me. I pushed against the pillar to get away. But his hold was really strong. He started dragging me to a SUV car.

No amount of kicking or pulling helped me. Reaching the black car, the man opened the door to the back seats and pushed me in. It was like a déjà vu. Only difference was that I didn't fell and hit my head again.

There was a gun shot. Too loud. Too close. The man who got me and who had straightened up after shoving me in the car dropped like a puppet whose string has been cut loose. The door was still open. Knowing that I shouldn't have I still leaned over and saw him. Or his body. Lying so still. He looked like he was just sleeping. If only there wasn't blood pooling around his head.

It was all I could take. My stomach twisted with pain and I vomited all over the bottom of the door. Black dots danced in front of my eyes. Ears buzzing as if hundreds of bees were stuffed inside them. A blinding pain struck behind my eyes making me clutch my head.

I felt two hands over my shoulder. "Chasity! Chasity! Are you okay? Godammit! Look at me Chas!" With great effort I opened my eyes and looked up. Ian's worried face focused in. "Are you hurt?" He was standing over the door blocking my view to outside.

"Not more than I already was." Each word felt like a weight on my tongue.

His eyes did a brief scan of my state. "We've got to get out of here. Hold tight. Okay?" Not waiting for a response he slammed the door shut. In barely a minute, he was inside the car, starting the engine and backing out of the parking spot.

I heard a crunching voice and I didn't wanted to know its cause. No sooner the car was moving towards the exit, there was ear splitting sound of gun shots echoing inside the underground parking.

Ian shouted without turning towards me, "Get down! And stay like that!" I was already falling on the backseat. Not because of the fear of getting shot. But because of the numbness spreading over my body. Darkness spread over my vision. And I slipped into unconsciousness.



I hope you all are enjoying your holidays. 

Mine are about to end. Few more days and I'll be back to college. 

So how was the chapter? Tell me about it.

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