Welcome Home Into My Arms

Start from the beginning

Mike turned the engine on and began to make the way out of the car park.

"So, Marie..." Told you.

"The others are aware that you'll be coming home. They are all at school obviously do you will have some time to settle back in..."

"Can I move back into Ryan's room?"

"Now you know that that was only for a special case..."

"Just what I thought"


"Can't do it because of the stupid care system! We've done it before, you know it worked out!"

"I know but..."

"But what Mike? What is the issue? Does it inconvenience you in any way?"

"No but..."

"No, see. There is literally no problem..."

"I just can't let you. I'm sorry"

"Yeah right" I turned to face out the window and propped my head on my hand.

"As I was saying, the others know your coming back. There will be a lot of questions asked. You know you don't have to answer anything you don't want too..."

"Yes alright Mike I can look after myself!"

"I was just warning you..."

"I didn't need you to"

And that's how that ended. The rest of the journey was silent. We got back to the house and it was completely silent. I half expected a white rabbit to come hopping by. It's just because the others are all at school still. Mike took the bag that Mai Lee loaned me to give back to her and I headed upstairs for a shower.

I had to borrow some of Carmen's shampoo, hope she doesn't mind.

I turned the water on and let it cascade down my back. The heat made me feel a bit more human as I washed my greasy, matted hair.

It took ages but eventually was all done. I dried myself off and got dressed again before putting my hair up in the towel and returning to my boring bedroom.

My clothes were exactly as they were when I left, as was everything else. Literally nothing had changed.

I plonked myself down on my bed and got out my phone. 12:18. Almost lunch break, I can't text people soon. In the interim, I'll download some games. Crossy road is my favourite, there's even a Disney one now! I also got circle, colour switch, doodle jump and subway surfers! Gotta love those flash games!

I must have been gaming for longer than I realised, because before I knew it, Mai Lee was calling me down for lunch. She had made me pesto pasta and squash. Beats the constant hospital food.

I took my phone out of my pocket and texted Ryan.

M: Back home now Can't wait to see you! xxx

R: Ditto xx

I ate lunch in silence as there was nobody to talk to. After eating, I found myself bored. Usually I'de do something with Ryan or play football or rounders outside with everyone. I just can't think of anything.

Then something came to me. Literally. Mischief! She rested her head on my lap and I petted her fur and gave her cuddles. She put her paw in my hand and I stroked her as she shook her head about in happiness!

"You know what mischief? It feels great to be back! Now, shall we go out for a walk?"

She got excited at the word 'walk'. I think she has learnt to recognise what it means. She ran off and stood below the peg that her lead and collar were hanging on.

I giggled as I pulled the collar over her head and clipped the lead onto it. I called to Mai Lee as I walked past the the office...

"Walking the dog!"

"Ok, back by dinner!"

"Will do thanks!"

I slammed the door shut as I left. Hard enough for it to be a slam, but not hard enough for it to look too deliberate. Hopefully Mike got the is no way I'm trusting Mike again any time soon.


I let Mischief off the lead as I leant myself against a tree trunk as I sat on the ground. Being inside all the time was honestly driving me insane! For now, I just want to be outdoors and take in the clean air, rather than the air at the hospital that smells weird.

This day seems to be going past really quickly, it's so annoying. I'm just way to excited to wait around any longer. I want to see everybody, mainly Ryan but the others too.

Mischief then approached me with a stick in her mouth, which she dropped in front on my legs that were crossed in front of me. I shook my head and picked up the dirty stick before throwing it really hard, really far. It actually helped me let out some aggression and felt kind of therapeutic.

Watching Mischief running round reminded me of the old days, how life used to be. How it can never be again, thanks a lot Mike (!)

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started to take photos of Mischief. I only got one or two good ones so I went through them, deleting all but three. One of mischief looking like she is smiling, one of her jumping for the stick, and the final one is a selfie I took, whilst cuddling mischief at the bottom of this tree, I just like the photo ok?


A while passed as I sat under the tree with Mischief who is now quite tired. I looked at the time just as it began to rain. 4:58. Wow I've been out here for  just enjoying myself so much I guess!

"Come on then Mischief, let's get back" I said as I clipped her lead back onto the collar that hung off her neck.

The walk between the park and the house isn't far but it did give me time to think about stuff,p. Firstly, the fact that everybody is going to be there when I get back, secondly, the fact that I need to re organise my whole life situation. Then I remembered something; the boy who helped me on the streets. Frank, he said he used to live in the dumping ground and now he's out on the streets. I think I can help him.

If I tell Mike that he's sleeping rough, I might be able to get him moved back into the dumping ground until something is sorted out or at least get him some food or something. I should have asked for more details of how he was living on the streets, rather than just assuming he didn't want to talk about it. Maybe he did want to talk about it! Marie you idiot!


I could hear the familiar sound of damp stones crunching below my feet as I slowly made my way up the driveway with Mischief by my side. The rain is coming down quite a bit now. You know like when it's light but sideways so you get absolutely soaked? Yeah it's like that. Worse of all, I forgot to bring a key. I rang the doorbell and waited outside in the wet and rain.

It was Tyler who eventually opened the door, he didn't look very happy but he perked up as he recognised me.

"Marie's back!" He yelled as he opened the door and stood to one side, letting me and Mischief in. The sound of footsteps rumbled the house as all the residents made their way out to the lobby to greet me.

I received mainly hugs and 'how have you been's, that was until Ryan came down.

He ran straight to me from up the stairs without stopping, almost tripping on the final step. He ran right up to me and wrapped his arms round my waist, hugging me and spinning me round. I hugged him back and buried my face in his shoulder. 



So the dr who chapter is planned but I have three other storylines planned before then that I planned before the dr who idea came!

If you don't watch dr who I highly recommend it. It might not make a lot of sense, the dr who chapter I mean, but still.

Thanks for all the comments, I love them, as always xx

Love you all❣❣❣❣

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