Chapter 10 ~Trip~

Start from the beginning

The first hours of the trip went smoothly. Bantaro was playing around with others, which made the bus really lively despite the fact that Senoo kept telling him to shut up and sit down.

You were too tired to even look at them, so you plug your earphones and then turn the music on. As the music starts, you took a small glance to your right side, to Reiji who was still looking at the papers ever since the trip started.

You sighed a little and leaned to the window beside you and slowly closed your eyes.

* * * * *

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!

Reiji looked up from the papers he was reading and turned his head and found the [H/C] girl was sleeping against the window and repeatedly, yet slowly, hit her head to the window.

He couldn't help but smile at the sight. From last night, he knew that [Full Name] won't get any sleep since Kaede blabbering about today. He needs to tell Kaede about that later.

Reiji slowly took the earphones from her ears and turn the music off. After that, he slowly pull the female towards him, trying as gentle as possible so she won't open her eyes in process.

As her head reached his shoulder, she let out a satisfaction sigh and leaned towards him, causing a red line across the male's face.

* * * * *

"....[-chan].... [-name-chan]..... [First Name]-chan..."

You slowly open your eyes only to close it again due to the sunlight that hit your face.

"Where here." The voice that woke her up said again.

She sat properly, thinking what's just happen until it hits her.

"Eh?? Did I lean on you? Senpai, I'm sorry!"

Reiji chuckled at the reaction, but then patted her head as he stood up, "Come on. The others already left. We should meet Tasuku's mom first."

You nodded your head lightly and stood up, walking out from the bus with the Captain.

"Ah, you're finally awake!" Kaede greeted.

"Ara~ Is this [First Name]-chan? Nice to meet you~ I'm Tasuku's mom, Asuka." A woman came towards you. She has an orange long hair and the same eye color. Looking from her cheerful personality, looks like Senoo got his quiet personality from his father.

"Nice to meet you, too, Asuka-san," you smiled at her.

She seems froze for a second but not then she sent you another smile. "You didn't change a bit, don't you?"


"Ah! Don't mind! Don't mind!" She laughed. "Since you guys just arrived in here, why don't you play in the beach? It pretty near from here. And today is also hot. After you put your bags on your rooms of course~"

"Really? Awesome!" Asuma and Riku cheered.

* * * * *

After you all put your belongings, the boys walk to the beach. Like what Senoo's mom said. It's pretty near. You only had to walk for 5 minutes from Senoo's household and then... BAM! A beautiful beach appeared in front of you.

"Wow..." Your eyes slightly wider than usual and your mouth was hanging open.

The clear water. The blue sky. The birds the fly between them. And the laugh that reached your ears. It was a perfect combination. And the fact that no one was there except Saisei and Honan made it became more beautiful. It feels like having your own private beach.

"[First Name]-chan, want to take a walk with me?"

You looked to the side and saw Reiji smiled at you and pulled out his hand, ready for you to take.

"Sure, Senpai."

With a smile, you took his hand.

* * * * *

"This is really beautiful."

"You said that a lot, you know." Reiji chuckled.

"I can't help it," you pouted, "But the sea really looks beautiful! And it becomes better when the water engulf your feet!" You said while looking at your feet that were touched by the cold water once in a while.

"Hey, [First Name]-chan, I have a question."

"What is it?"

"If I say something, will you believe it?"

Reiji stopped walking and looked at your eyes. You were a bit far from the others, so the only thing you could hear was their faint laugh.

Other than your heart that was beating like crazy.

"Re-Reiji-senpai won't ask something stupid. So I'll definitely believe you!" You smiled.

Reiji took a deep breath. "Then..."

He closes his eyes for a while and opened them again.

"If I say I like you... Would you believe me?"


Your heart beating like crazy, even crazier than before, as your face turns to a deep red within a second


"Ah! [Last Name]-san!"

You and Reiji soon looked to the other way and saw Sakurai along with Senoo.

"Asuka-san is looking after you!" She said. But then her face changed as she realized Reiji was there.

'God... Did I do something bad?'

"Well, looks like Asuka-san is looking for you. You should go [First Name]-chan."

"Well then. Excuse me, Reiji-senpai!" You bowed at him and ran to Sakurai's place.

As you and Sakurai's figure out of sight, Senoo turned to Reiji.

"Damn..." Reiji covers his cheeks.

"That one was dangerous."


Yeeeyy~ Chapter 10 is done~ >_< I'm sorry for making you guys wait. I tried to finish it yesterday but unfortunately I think I hurt my right shoulder, twice, while playing badminton when P.E ;-; and to make it worse, when I was playing with my phone after school, suddenly I couldn't move because it really hurt ;-;

But nah, it's better and I got a lesson.

Don't play badminton without stretching. But hey, when my shoulder hurt really bad, I fell like that one character in the anime sports who was good at sports but can't join the practice :v you know, like Sousuke from Free!, Kiyoshi from KnB, Shizuma, and Chris from DnA :v 

And since school is almost over, I think I can update faster ^^

-Mizushima Sena

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