Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

Had I known how to save a life

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

How to save a life

How to save a life

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

How to save a life.

"Niall," I murmured, still amazed at his voice. "I wish you could just see how good you are."

  He blushed and looked down. "Thank you, love." I smiled and kissed his hand.

  "Anytime. Now, what do you wanna do for the nursery?"


"Home sweet home! " Niall yelled, throwing his arms up after flinging the door open.

I chuckled. "It is nice to be home, isn't it?" I carefully set the babies' car seats on the carpeted floor in thr living room.

"Yes! Now, I wanna give Blake and Brielle a tour!" Niall squealed. I grinned. He was so cute!

By the time I had my shoes off, set the keys down and hung my jumper up, my fiancé had both the newborns in his arms and talking quietly to them as he introduced each room.

"Okay, this is the kitchen- my personal favorite," Niall whispered. He walked in and the wide awake twins glanced around curiously. 

"That," He pointed to the refrigerater."is the fridge. And that cube looking thingy is the oven." Niall pointed to the oven.  He turned around and walked back to the living room.

I followed silently behind, not wanting to dosturb him.

"This, my little munchkins, is the living room. Here we have the couch, love seat, recliner, coffee table, and the telly." Niall pointed to each object as he named them off.

Niall skipped towards the hallway. He stopped at the washing room. "This is called the washing an/or laundry room. This is where we wash clothes."

The next stop was the linen closet. "This is where we keep blankets, pillow cases, ecteria."

We reached the bathroom. "This is where we do our, um, business? " Niall asked awkwardly.  I had to supress my laughter. "When you get older we'll have to teach you how to use it. This is also where we bathe. Your dad and I take showeres and you will take baths," He explained, backing out of the medium sized room before stepping to our bedroom door.

"This is Daddy and Dad's bedroom.  We sleep in here. You will for the first month or two, but then you sleep in the nursery."

Niall walked to the designated room. "And this, is your guys' room!"

He twisted the golden door knob the best he could with his finger tips. Once it was opened, he oaced in slowly.

Niall gasped, loudly. Alarmed, I johged to his side but I stopped in my tracks. What happened in here?

Instead of its boring white walls, they were painted mint green with little animals that littered them. I assume Zayn drew them on.

In the middle against the wall were two cribs. The cribs Niall and I picked out a couple months ago. Inside, they each had a baby blanket. Brielle's was brown and fuzzy with pink polk dots. Blake's was blue with light green stripes. There also was one stuffed animal per crib. Bri's was a little giraffe and Blake's was a little reindeer.

On the right side of the room, there were two changing tables and dressers.  In the far left corner there was a rocking chair with a little cabinet container thing that was filled with bottles, pacifiers, and wipes. I think I saw a few teething rings too.

I walked by the changing table and noticed another cupboard hanging on the wall. Curious, I slowly walked to it and opened it. Inside, there were cartons of baby formula, and burp rags.

Who the hell did this. Not that I'm complaining. I just would like to know who to thank.

"Liam!" Niall called."Come read this." he flapped a small piece of paper in my face.

I grabbed it and read it. A smile slowly made its way to my face as I read on.

  'Dear, new parents,

We decorated this nursery because we knew how you forgot about it. We hope you like it. And don't worry, we did this the day you had the twins, so the fumes are gone. We love you guys. Good luck!

         Love,  Mama Payne, Daddy Payne, Nicola, Ruth, Zayn, Perrie, Harry and Louis xx'

  "We should really thank them Tomorrow," Niall chuckled.

  I nodded. "We should." I turned to my half asleep children.

  "Welcome home, babies."


Hello!  I wanted to post this tonight because I won't be able to update tomorrow! ;) Don't miss me too much!

So how was it? As amazing as always? ;) hahah jk.

And about that third book, the one about Brielle and Blake? But mostly about Brielle. How do we feel about that? Should I do it? Or make this book the last one? Comment your opinions please!

I guess that's it. So um BYE! 

   Xoxo Erin

Forever Yours **Niam Horayne AU Mpreg**Where stories live. Discover now