Chapter Six

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Liam's POV

It's been three days since we visited Niall's dad. It's been quiet. Too quiet. Niall hasn't been eating. That's when you know something is wrong.

Louis and Harry have tried cheering him up, bringing Nandos and Justin Bieber merchandise. They even said they would get him Michael Bublé concert tickets.

Zayn came by with Perrie yesterday and tried cheering him as well.

Nothing but a fake grin.

I groaned and slammed my head down on the kitchen table. I winced and rubbed my forehead. I hadn't meant to do it that hard.

Niall came walking in, gaze casted downwards. I stood up and paced to my love and wrapped my arms around his waist. I picked him up and he let out a surprised squeal.

Which was manly of course.

I set him on the counter and looked into his eyes. They held so much hurt and regret. When he tried looking down I gently placed my finger tips inder his chin so I could meet his gaze.

"Okay, beautiful. You can tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours easily or I may have to take drastic measures," I threatened lightly.

Niall chuckled sadly."I don't know if I should be mad at dad or myself. Mad at myself for being selfish for trying to ruin his relationship or mad at the fact my own father chose some woman over me."

I nodded, showing I agreed. "I know, baby. I'm sorry I can't do anything, " I whispered. I was supposed to protect him, and seeing him like this makes me feel like I failed him.

Niall shrugged and pecked my cheek. "Hey, now. It's not your fault. As much as it pains me to say it, I will let him be with her. And I'll be happy for him," He spoke sincerely.

I smiled gently. "Good for you. Now, will you let me see that gorgeous smile?"

Niall laughed and blushed. He looked at me and smiled. For the first time in three days, it was a genuine one.


I laughed as a funny part on 'Friends' came on. I heard a giggle from the beauty on my chest. As I continued watching, I absentmindedly stroked Niall's soft hair.

I was about to lift his chin up to kiss his lips when he suddenly looked green and shot up to race to the bathroom.

Panicked, I followed after him. I found him over the porcelain bowl, panting after vomiting.

I walked up and patted his back as his body heaved forward and he released whatever was in his stomach.

After 2 more times, Niall brushed his teeth and trudged his way to our shared bedroom. I helped him change into one my big t-shirts and a pair of red plaid pj bottoms. He climbed in and I kissed his forehead to check if he had a fever.

I frowned. Niall wasn't warm at all. It can't be the flu. "Ni, you don't have a temp. If you're like this in the morning, I'm taking you to the doctors. Okay?"

Niall nodded weakly. I sighed amd padded down the hallway to the living room. I turned the tv off and went into the kitchen for a glass of water. Once I had a quarter full glass of cold water, I made my way to see my green fiancė.

As a precaution, I grabbed a small garbage can if he had anymore emergencies. I set it down on his sidetable and clambered in to cuddle my sick baby.

I quietly sang Bruno Mars' 'Just The Way You Are'. Niall sighed contently and snuggled his back closer to my chest. I kissed his forehead.

"I love you, Li," Niall yawned cutely.

Forever Yours **Niam Horayne AU Mpreg**Where stories live. Discover now