Chapter Twenty-One

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Sophia's POV (Suprise!)

I smiled softly as I watched Liam and Niall walk out of the hospital,  hand in hand.  They were so cute! 

I felt kind of gulity.  I can't believe I tried breaking them up! How could I be so selfish? 

My plan was to get Liam to cheat on Niall then have him come running back to me but when I was talking -or flirting on my part- with Liam earlier this morning,  I could see how much he Loved Niall. The way his eyes sparkled with love and adoration. 

Not that I blamed him, Niall was pretty hot. Not to forget incredibly nice and sweet. I'm so glad I didn't go through with my plan.

I focused back down to the clipboard that rested in my hands. My new patient.  The patient was a 45 year old male who had recently had a server heart attack and was in desperate need of some stints.

(A/N: To those who don't know what stints are, they are little tube things that are placed in your clogged arteries, and open them up, allowing blood to pump and flow to the rest of the body :))

I sighed and pushed myself off the counter top that I was leaning on and made my way to the other side of the hospital.  The patients room was there.

I was busy, trying to memorize all the information that was given when I ran into something.  Or rather someone.

I looked up, about to apologize when my woed caught in my throat, along with my breath.

I stared into the moat gorgeous hazel eyes. I could get lost in them.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!" The mystery boy panicked, checking me over for any injuries. It was adorable!

His head was full of skater-styled dark brown hair and of course  there were those damn eyes. He had a cute little button and nose and a sharp jaw. Just to put the cherry on top, he had these nice, plump, pink lips that looked like a missing puzzle piece to my own. 

Could I get any cheesier?

"I-I'm s-sorry. I w-w-wasn't paying a-attention to where I-I was going." Smooth Soph, real Smooth. 

He chuckled and shook his head. "That's okay, beautiful. " He winked. I think I just melted.

Wait, beautiful?! Did he just call me beautiful?  I don't even know his name, yet here ge is flirting with me. I don't even know his name!

"My name is Jared. Nice to meet you." He-or Jared-  stuck his hand out. I felt my cheeks flush.  Dammit! Talking out loud again!

"I'm Sophia." I smiled and placed my hand in his out stretched one.  Jared smirked slightly before bending his head and placed a light kiss to the back of my hand.

I flushed. Again.

"You, sweet, little Sophia, will be seeing a lot more of me." Jared smiled,  straightened up and walked behind me.



Liam's POV

Yes! Niall and the twins finally get to come home! I mean, don't get me wrong. I'd sleep on those uncomfortable plastic couches longer if it was needed, but it isn't and I prefer my own bed. Where I can cuddle my little leprechaun. 

"Okay. The babies are secure! Lets get home and sleep in a fluffy bed!" Niall cheered, finishing buckling in Brielle and sliding in the passenger seat.

I laughed and buckled Blake in too. I followed suit. I started the car and grabbed Niall's calloused hand.

The ride home was silent. Not an awkward one. It never was.

Forever Yours **Niam Horayne AU Mpreg**Where stories live. Discover now