Chapter Twelve

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Niall's POV

"WHAT?!?" Liam and I exclaimed in sync.

Dr. Smith looked amused.

"Yes. You have twins," He clarified.

"Well, how the hell did you not hear a second heartbeat? Or even see the baby?" Liam asked, somewhat accusingly.

Dr. Smith sighed. "I was thinking the same thing; however, I noticed how the second baby was sort of hiding behind the one. My thoughts about the heartbeat was that they were so in sync, that it sounded as if it was one," He explained.

"Can we know both of the genders?" I questioned quietly.

The doctor smiled. "Of course."

He started moving the wand against my skin again. After a few minutes he stopped and rested the piece of equipment on my swollen abdomen.  

"Okay so baby one is a.... girl!" Dr. Smith pointed to the baby that hid.

"That would be Brielle Anne. " Liam smiled, tears filling with tears.

"And this one is a boy!" I laughed joyfully.

"Liam, look! That's our babies," I whispered, proud.

Liam grabbed my hand and placed a gentle kiss on my knuckles. "I know, beautiful. I couldn't be happier. Now all I have to worry about is making sure the boys keep their hands off my baby girl," Liam growled.

"That's what you're worried about?" I raised an eyebrow. He nodded. "That is definitely something to worry about but we can teach Blake to help with that. I'm more concerned when her 'Monthly Friend' comes to visit." I shivered.

Horror flashed across his face. "We can just have her aunts help with that!"

Dr. Smith laughed from the ultrasound screen. "Trust me, lad- I have a 14 year old daughter. That is the worst! Especially when you have to get the 'supplies." He chuckled.

"Yep. I'm not thinkng about my little girl growing up!" Liam yelled.

"Me either. Let's worry about that when they are actually born." I laughed.

Liam nodded."Deal."


Liam and I were driving back to the flat in silence. It wasn't an awkward one though.

Liam spoke. "So how are we going to tell everyone? "

I shrugged. "I don't knowñ honestly," I sighed.

Liam rubbed my knee, comforting me. "How about at the baby shower? Isn't my mother throwing you one?"

I chuckled. "Yes, it's in two days. She basically told me she was throwing one. Karen didn't even ask."

"Well it's not like she had to ask. We would have agreedñ " Liam countered.

I nodded. "I know." Then a brilliant idea struck me."Ooh, how about we tell them through cake?" I yelled.

"What like spell it out?" he raised an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes." No" you dummy. We say I want to make the cake. I'll get blue and pink food coloring and I'll color half one color and the other the opposite," I explained. Liam's brown eyes wodened in realization.

"That's bloody brilliant! "

I giggled. "Thank you."

"But you know my mum's going to want to make the cake. Or order it. What are we going to tell her?" he inquired.

Forever Yours **Niam Horayne AU Mpreg**Where stories live. Discover now