Chapter Ten

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Liam's POV

"Happy Birthday Leeyum!"

This is how I woke up.

By Niall, Louis, and Harry screaming in my ear.

It's a good thing I'm a morning person.

My eyes fluttered open and I.smiled lazily. "Thanks, guys." I yawned while sitting up and stretching.

Niall jumped into my lap. "Happy birthday, baby. You'll get your present tonight," he whispered seductively. I groaned.

"Tease," I muttered. Niall laughed and hopped up.

"Come on. Get in the shower. We are all meeting Zayn and Perrie for breakfast." and with that, he skipped down the hallway happily.

I laughed and and shook my head before standing up and heading to the bathroom. I stripped and turned on the water. I checked to see if it was okay before scrambling in.

I wet my hair before grabbing the Axe shampoo and body wash. Once I washed all the soap from my hair and body, I stayed in. I sighed and leaned against the shower tiles and thought about my life in general. It seems I do that a lot.

Niall is a 8 months along now. He has a bit of a belly but it's completely adorable. We told everyone about him being pregnant and us being engaged. Except for his father. We told his brother and he accepted us. Niall has tried calling his dad but he hasn't answered. I know it completely kills Niall inside but he won't let you know.

We also found out the baby's due date. The 11 of September . We have an appoitment in two days to find out the gender. It's a little late, considering you usually find out the gender in the sixth month zone, but we kept debating whether or not we wanted to know the gender. Finally, we decided we did want to know.

I'm really excited though. I don't really care if it's a boy or a girl, as long as he or she is healthy.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt the water turn cold. I shivered and quickly turned the water off. I jumped out and wrapped a blue towel around my waist. I hurriedly walked to the bedroom. I went to the closet and picked out a white v neck and a leather jacket with tan chinos. After I finished pulling that on, I picked up my black converse and padded down the hallway.

I made my way to into the living room where everyone was waiting.

When Niall noticed I was ready, he heaved himself off the couch. "Take you long enough?" he teased with a raised eyebrow.

I chuckled."No." I stuck my tongue out.

Niall rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand, leading me to the front door.

He turmed around." Lou! Harry! Come up for air long enough to get in the car!" Niall yelled at the snogging couple. They broke apart and Louis blushed while Harry smirked.

"That's alright, babe. We can do it in the car," Harry negotiated. Louis laughed, but nodded.

They linked hands and followed us out the door. We walked to the car. We decided to take Harry's SUV that way we can all fit in one car.

"Here. One of you guys drive. Me and Lou have some unfinished business," Harry whined while tossing me the keys.

I shuddered."Please be as quiet as possible?" I begged. Louis laughed.

"No promises." He climbed in after Harry. I shook my head and opened the passenger door for Niall. He smiled and pecked cheek before climbing in. I gently but securely pushed the door shut. I raced to my side and climbed in. I put the key in the ignition and heard the engine purr.

Forever Yours **Niam Horayne AU Mpreg**Where stories live. Discover now