Meeting the Parents

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I sat on my couch waiting for Scott to come pick me since tonight I was going to finally meet Melissa since she luckily had a night off from the hospital. Rubbing my hands together I started to feel my nervousness turn into a sweat between my hands. I was worried that she wouldn't like me because I heard it is never good to be on Melissa's bad side. Making a first good impression was key which hopefully I can accomplish making a good impression. As I sat on my couch, my doorbell started to ring which meant Scott was here. I took a deep breath and straightened out my dress then opened the door to see Scott smiling widely at me. 

"Are you okay? I can smell the nervousness coming off of you," He says pulling me into a hug. 

I groan into his shoulder and mumbled," I'm nervous she won't like me."

 "Babe, my mom is going to love you so there is no need to be nervous. Okay?" 

I nod my head and lightly peck him on the lips as I went back inside to grab my purse and now that all my nerves have faded to meet Scott's mom.

Scott and I were walking to his motorcycle since we both had school tomorrow and Melissa had work in the morning. 

"Do you think your mom liked me?" I asked Scott. 

Scott grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers together pulling me closer to him. 

"My mom loved you so there is no need to worry." He kisses my forehead and grabs the extra helmet and placing it on my head then strapping safely on my head.

 I climbed on the back but before we left Melissa came out yelling to Scott," Scott if you ever hurt (Y/N) I will give the worst punishment that you will ever have in your entire life."

I laugh and whisper to Scott," What is the worst punishment?"

 He turns his head slightly from the front of the motorcycle," Not seeing or talking to Stiles but that isn't as bad as losing you. Now that is probably the worst punishment."


Stiles was dragging me into the Beacon Hills County Police Station where he was rambling on about something about the Dread Doctors and Lydia I wasn't really sure.

"Stiles would you please slow down!" I yell at him as my legs started to fall behind him as he continued to walk faster into the Police Station

. Stiles pauses for a moment and said, "I'm sorry. I just have to tell my dad something really important." 

"Well, we can tell him this information by walking instead of me trying to keep up with you and almost falling on my face." 

Stiles laughs and intertwined our fingers together then we began walking towards his dad's office.

Once we were inside we went straight towards his dad. It wasn't until I was fully in the Sheriff's office that I realized that this would be the first time I would be meeting Stiles dad. My palms started to sweat hoping that I wouldn't make a total embarrassment out of myself in front of my boyfriend's dad. 

"(Y/N) what's wrong your palms are becoming...moist?" Stiles asking. 

I laugh," Stiles I'm fine. It's just that this will be the first time I am meeting your dad so I'm a little nervous." 

Stiles laughed loudly and placed a hand over his stomach while I stood there shocked with my mouth hanging open. 

Slapping his arm, I yell," Stiles! It's not funny!" 

He wiped away fake tears and said," I'm sorry baby but there is no need to be nervous my dad will love you."

 We walk to his's dad office and walk inside. His dad was sitting at his desk looking down at some papers in his hands. Slowly he lifted his head and took the glasses off his face. 

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