Break Up

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Gone. That was Scott was all the time. He was always gone and we've rarely spent any time together. I understand that all the supernatural drama kept him busy, but it was nice to see my boyfriend every once in a while. I sat on my bed thinking about my latest decisions to end my relationship with Scott since he canceled out date again saying he had to do research for the latest supernatural. I got and walked to Scott's house since it wasn't too far from my house. I didn't want to break up with Scott, but I couldn't stand to be in a relationship anymore where there really isn't a relationship. Finally, getting to Scott's house, I could feel my heart racing against my chest as I knocked on the door not caring who answered the door. When the door opened Scott's mom instantly gave me a smile and welcomed me in. I asked her if Scott was her and she said the one thing I didn't want to here. Scott was here but playing video games with Liam, Stiles, and Mason. I was surprised that Scott would lie to me. I asked her if I could go upstairs to talk to him, but I didn't really let her answer since I was already storming up the stairs with anger building up inside me. Once I got to Scott's room I didn't even think of knocking I opened the door slamming the door on the wall behind it. Liam and Mason were sitting on the floor while Stiles and Scott were laying on the bed. They were all laughing at something till the laughter faded as I stood there with my hands in fists and my breathing heavy as my anger was becoming harder to control. 

Scott got off the bed and walked in front of me saying," (Y/N) what are you doing here?" 

"Well I'm here because I wanted to see my boyfriend but I guess he doesn't want to see me." 

"Of course, I want to see you." 

"Then why did you cancel our date then?"

 He was silent and I couldn't deal with silence right now," Forget it. Hang out with your boys instead of me your girlfriend since they are more important. Oh, and Scott were over."

 I storm out the room and out the house into the brisk cold.


I walked down the hallway by myself while I watched them walk in front of me. Stiles and Lydia. I shouldn't be jealous of their relationship, but it was hard since Stiles was in love with Lydia for so long. Sometimes it still feels like he is still in love with her even though he is with me. He had told me told me multiple times that he has no feelings for her at all, but it's moments like these that the feelings of doubt come back with him staring right into her eyes with so much care and worry. I couldn't look at them anymore so I rushed passed which I don't think caught Stiles attention at all, but I didn't realize that Stiles looked away from Lydia and saw the girl he loved run down the hallway wondering what was wrong.

I was laying on my bed with my head stuffed in my pillow letting tears fall as I continued to think of Stiles and the possibility of him breaking up with me. I hear footsteps climb up my stairs, but I knew who it was. He was the only one with a key since I locked the door when I came home. He opened the door as I slowly hide under the covers.

 "(Y/N) I know you're there. Don't try to hide from me."

 I feel the bed dip beside me as his hand pulls back the covers to reveal my bloodshot eyes and my rosy cheeks. 

"What do you want Stiles?" 

I turn my back to him as he sighs and puts his hand on my waist. 

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" 

I didn't know how to explain the way I felt because I knew it was going to lead to another argument. We sat in silence for a few moments till Stiles began to speak again," (Y/N) come- 

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