How You Meet

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Walking towards the steps of my new school I take a deep breath and try to control my hands from shaking. I walk in the double doors to see a bunch of people in the hallways. Somehow I have to make it to the office without looking like an idiot. I start walking the way I believe is to the office of this school. Looking around at the school I didn't realize I ran into someone. Falling on the floor with an 'omph' and all my papers falling on the floor.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't see you there. Here let me help you up." I look up to see a boy with deep brown eyes holding out his hand to help me up. I grab his hand and I am easily lifted off the ground.

" I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying atten-"

"Its fine, really. I wasn't paying attention either,'"I said giving him a small smile and picking up my papers that I dropped.

"Well okay. My name is Stiles, what's your name?"

"(Y/N), I just moved here if you haven't noticed." He nodded his head in agreement.

"So, (Y/N) do you need help or anything?" " Yeah, do you know where the office is?"

"I do just follow me."

I followed him to the office and got my schedule. Me and him both had math together first. We both made it to the class on time and I sat next to some kid that Stiles knew.

"(Y/N), I want you to meet someone," Stiles said to me. I turn to my side and see a cute boy with an uneven jaw line.

" Hi, I'm Scott," he says sticking his hand for me to shake. "(Y/N), nice to meet you," I say shaking his hand. He gives me a cute smile. Moving to Beacon Hills ws not such a bad thing after all.


Getting out of the airport waiting for my cousin Lydia to come and pick me up. I distract myself with my phone till see comes. For what felt like a hour but was only twenty minutes my cousin finally pulls up in her shiny expensive car.

"(Y/N) I can't believe your here! I missed you so much!" Lydia says while hugging me tightly.

I hugged her just as tightly as she did to me. " I missed you to Lydia. We have so much to catch up on."

We start driving to her house in Beacon Hills. I've only been here once and that was about 2 years ago. I got bored of where I lived and decided to visit my favorite cousin. Finally, we made it to her house and said hello to my aunt and uncle.

"So, (Y/N) how has life been for past two years," Lydia ask while unpacking my suitcase. I know she is mad for not contacting her for two years then suddenly tell her I am coming to her place this month.

"Lydia, I told you I was sorry for not talking to you for two years. My life has been a little rocking since my parents divorced if you care."

"(Y/N) I do care. Its just you finally talk to me so you can have a place to stay."

"I know and I am sorry for that," I hug her to show her I actually am sorry.

Once we finished unpacking everything to my guest room. We started talking about ourselves that we both missed out on and relived the old days as little kids. I've missed my cousin and I am so glad to be back with her. After awhile we got bored so she decided to call her friends over to have a movie night.

At 8:00 the front door bell rang and Lydia opened to about 5 people. They all came flooding in and gave Lydia a welcome while I sat awkward on the couch. Finally, notice that I was sitting their completely lost on what was going on.

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