He Tells You About The Supernatural

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I sat on your bed working on homework for math. Till I heard my doorbell and no one else was home so I had to go get it. Walking down the stairs I open the door to see Scott bloody and bruised up.

"Scott! Oh my gosh. What happened to you?"

"Baby, its nothing. I just needed a place to rest. So, I came over here since your house is closer to the school than mine."

I nodded and gently pulled him inside. Slowly, we both moved over to the couch and sat Scott down. I walked into the kitchen and made a glass of water for him. Walking back into the living room and see Scott simply going through TV channels like he wasn't hurt at all.

"Scott? Are you still hurt?"

"No, (Y/N) I'm alright just a few cuts and bruises."

"Scott, they were not just simple cuts and bruises. You had long gashes and giant bruises on your arms. How did you heal so quickly?"

He took a deep breath and stared at the floor like he was thinking over of what to say to me. Like, he was conflicting with himself in his head. It was obvious with the confused look on his face.

"Scott, you know that you can tell me anything right?"

He nods and turns to me holding my hands. "(Y/N) what I'm about to tell you can't be told to anyone else. Do you promise not to tell anyone?"

"I promise, Scott. Just tells me what's going on?"

"Okay, you know werewolves are right,"Scott says and I nod my head so he can continue,"Well, there real and I'm a werewolf."

For some reason I start to laugh a his words. A werewolf? Is he joking? "Scott, their is no such thing as werewolves. I think you hit your head or something when you got hurt."

Scott stared at me with anger in his eyes, "(Y/N) I'm serious. I am a werewolf. That's why I healed so quickly. Here let me show you something that will prove that I'm a werewolf."

Slowly, he closes he eyes and moves his hands away. I look down to see claws on his fingertips. Looking up to Scott with wide eyes to see him with glowing red eyes. I cover my mouth with my hand as shock came over me that I was completely wrong about Scott.

"Oh my gosh. Scott I'm sorry I didn't believe you before."

"Its alright (Y/N). I know its hard to believe about the supernatural so I understand," Scott says with the red eyes gone and claws.

"Now, do want to help me with math homework or are you going to go home?"

"How about a movie instead of math?"

I thought for a minute till I said,"Okay."


Laying awake at night with a million thoughts of me and Stiles. I feel as if he is hiding something from me. He is gone all the time and always on that damn computer when I'm at his house. I just want to know whats he hiding. A good relationship doesn't have secrets and I know he's keeping secrets from. Getting up from my bed I get my shows and start to head downstairs. Grabbing the car keys I walk out the door and unlock the car. Starting the car I drive down to Stiles's place to find out whats going on.

Arriving at Stiles's house I get out the car and lock it then going up to his door and knocking on it. Few seconds later Stiles opens his door while rubbing his eyes.

"(Y/N) what are you doing here? Its late."

"I know but something has been on my mind and I can't seem to sleep with it on my mind.'

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