First Kiss

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The whole week was pretty normal till Friday came around. I was nervous the whole day. My hands would not stop shaking at all. Every time I tried they would start shaking and I couldn't stop thinking of what could happen on the date. Scott wasn't in school today which is kinda normal but good because then he would see me being a crazy nervous person.

It was the end of the day and I was putting my books in my locker when Lydia came up to me. She and I have become great friends since I hang out with Stiles and Scott.

"Okay, (Y/N) I am getting you ready fro your date tonight so let's go."

"Lydia I believe I am old enough to dress. I don't need to come over and help me get ready."

"Too bad cause, I am whether you like it or not. Also, you are wearing whatever I choose no excuses."

I groan because I know she is going to make me wear heels. I close my locker and start walking towards Lydia's car. Once we got there she unlocked it and started driving towards my house. We got to my house and knew my parents weren't home yet so we both went upstairs.

"Alright, where are you and Scott going?"

"We are going to the movies and afterward dinner. The typical date Lydia and I still don't understand why I have to get all dressed up."

"(Y/N) this is your first date with Scott you have to look good and trust me you will. Now go take a shower while I choose your outfit.'

I walk to my bathroom and start to take a shower. After about 10 mins I get out and walk out to see Lydia gone and a dress on my bed. It was a dress I bought last year for a family event. The dress with floral and had straps laying next to it were actually not heels but combat boots. Thank you, Lydia.

After I got dressed Lydia came back up to my room and did my makeup. She gave me a more natural then putting pounds of makeup on my face. As time got closer to where Scott was picking me up I started to get more nervous than I was in school.

"(Y/N) you have to calm down. Breath."

I nodded and took in deep breaths then I heard the doorbell ring. I walk down the stairs and open the door. Of course, it was Scott.

"Well I'm going to leave and you two fun but not too much fun," Lydia says while walking out the door.

"Hey, do you want to come in?"

"Oh yeah and you look beautiful by the way."

"Thank you. I'll be right back. I just have to grab my phone," I say and let Scott in. I close the door and rush upstairs to grab my phone and check if I look okay.

Then I walk back down the stairs to see Scott on the couch waiting.

" Okay, I'm ready to go." Scott looks up and gets up from the couch. We both walk out the door of course not at the same time. I lock my door and walk towards Scott's car.

He opens the door for me and I get in. He walks around the car to the driver's side and gets in. The car ride to the movie theater was normal we had a good conversation. We got to the movie theater and Scott came to my side and open the door for me.

Scott buys the tickets even though I told him I could pay for it myself. Then we went to get snacks and again he paid when I wanted to pay. After we got to the theater for the movie we were going to watch. We got seats in the middle area of the seats. For the rest of time, we laughed and watched the movie and Scott did the typical yawn and put his arm around my shoulder. Once the movie was over we went to get dinner at a diner nearby.

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