Drunken Zosia

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After a heavy night of drinking Zosia goes back to the flat, to find Arthur and Dom sat on the sofa watching TV. She stumbles coming in the door and falls over.

Dom and Arthur both walk over and help her up.

"Thanks guys, I love you" Zosia tells them.

"how much have you had to drink" Dom laughs.

"A lot, but that's not the point ... you guys are always there for me" Zosia replies.

"You're there for us too" Dom adds in.

"No, no ... that's not the same, you .. you guys saved my life when I took those drugs, then you saved my job. Arthur ... Arthur you brought me that puzzle on psych ... that puzzle that brought me and dad closer." Zosia tells them.

"I just wanted you to be happy" Arthur replies.

"I love you guys, Pla...moni...tally cause well your gay and me and diggers ..... well we tried that but it was terrible" Zosia admits.

"Thanks" Arthur says sarcastically although he can't help but laugh.

"You know what I mean." She giggles back.

Arthur soon falls asleep on the sofa, it's late and the chemo is making him tired. Zosia's nearly asleep too when Dom goes to move and wakes her up.

"My bipolar, how could I forgot about that, you guys stuck by me instead of running a mile" Zosia says

"We would never leave you Zosh, it wasn't your fault" Dom tells her.

"But you are, aren't you Arthur's going to leave us and then I'll probably go mad again and then you'll leave too because I'll push you away like I did with Ollie and Dad" Zosia replies with a few tears in her eyes.

"Hey, Maybe you will push me away but I'm not going to leave the flat, I love this place. Anyway someone's got to get you up in the morning when you inevitably forget to set your alarm. I'm not going anywhere ok? Well except the loo because that's what I got up for" Dom says making Zosia laugh a little.

"Thanks" She replies.

"It'f fine, you better get yourself to bed because Diggers isn't going to be happy if your not ready for his 'beach funday' tomorrow" Dom laughs.

"Night" Zosia calls going to bed.

"Night" Dom replies going to the toilet and then going to bed himself.

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