"Britt my parents didn't die from an car accident. Brittany There is something wrong with me, some days I'm perfectly fine and happy and others I'm so down, all I want to do is get back into my black box. Brittany I'm scared" she says and I sigh while pulling her into my lap.

"We will talk about some stuff when your sober as far as everything but Sanny your never alone. You always have me" I say and watch her drift off.

"If someone told you that all of this would have happened before you ever even knew santana, would you still have gave it a go" Tori asks coming in and I smile.

"Yes, without hesitation" I say and she smiles.

"She told you about her parents and Johnny yet" Tori asks and I frown a little jealous that she knew before me.

"Little details" I mumble.

"Brittany I was there when both happened but even then she would have told me. She would tell the whole house really, if it came down to it. Everyone but you" she says sitting in front of me. I look down at Santana in my arms as she lays asleep, content.

"Why" I say and look up to see Tori watching me, watching Santana.

"Becuase your the only person she fears. Fears that you will judge or comment. You can hurt her in ways, people will never be able to touch. Your opinion of her affects her so much and I know you know this" she says and I look at her before speaking.

"Why are you telling me this" I say.

"Santana isn't healthy, but I mean who really is love. We all have our ups and downs and right now Santana is in a deep deep funk. The truth is coming out out top of things she wants to ignore so her body is so use to just shutting shit out but you.....you make her feel and without that black box, she's lost. You have to step up and show her that it's worth fighting and living. She needs a reminder of who you are in her life. Santana is loved but she doesn't feel it. I mean to truly feel loved not sex wise or touching but mentally and spiritually. She needs that connection again brittany" she says getting up. She walks to the door as her words sink in ad she stops to speak.

"If you don't show her someone else will" she says and I look up immediately.

"Let's just say not everyone in the house agree with you two being together " with that she's gone.

(Santana's Pov)

I wake up and feel an empty bed. I look to see its almost 2am and my memories hit me like a truck. I was high and I opened my fucking mouth about it all. I sigh silently and try to slip out of bed seeing the shower is on. I get up to tip toe to the door. Backing slowly while watching the bathroom door only to bump into something. I turn to see Brittany staring at me and I gulp. Her stare is something I'll never get use to.

"Going somewhere" she says smiling and I gulp.

"Just to my room" I lied.

"Tori said it's hers now so why don't we take a shower and go out" she says and I frown.

"It's 2am, I don't want......"

"For me, please" she says and I sigh but nod. I strip out of my clothes and so does brittany. I watch as she looks at me with anger in her eyes and frown. I look down to see scars all over my body and im still a little bruised. She looks up at me and they instantly melt and I smile.

We get out of the shower and dress up a little. She takes me to the beach. It's an hour and a half drive and it's about 6 when we get there. She instantly jumps out the car and runs to the ocean.

"Brittany this is illegal" I whisper as I look for her.

"Only if we get caught" she says behind me and I jump before hitting her as she laughs.

"Brittany I don't want to get in trouble" I say and she smirks.

"Your Santana fucking beautiful lopez. The law can't contain you" she says and I smile.

"About what I said when I was high....."

"Don't, we can talk about it all when your ready. No one is holding a gun to your head and I'm sure as hell not. I'm standing right infront of it" she says gripping my face lightly.

"I'm a ticking time bomb" I say and she smiles.

"Then I'll just have to wear a bomb suit" she says while gently kissing me. She holds my hand and walks us to the ocean. The sun is setting and we swim a little in the ocean. We splash each other and laugh and scream and I just smile at her. I haven't had this much fun with something so simple in such a long time. I walk up to Brittany as she grabs something from the car and hug her from behind.

"What's this for" she asks and I hmm.

"Becuase I love you and I love the fact that you refuse to give up on me. She turns in my arms to face me and I look up as she looks down at me and winks.

"Why in the hell would I ever give up on my hero" she says and I roll my eyes while smiling.

"Oh god" I say dragging the sentence out and she spins us so that I'm against the car and smirks when I gasp at how I'm no longer on the floor but the hood of the car.

"Brittany...." I warn her but she doesn't listen. She grips my waist and pulls me closer to her and I feel her face buried in my neck and she breaths in.

"Bri-......" I'm cut off with the feel of her lips onto mine and I moan into the touch. She pushes her hands underneath my shirt and messages my back and I lean more into her. I grab the back of her neck and pull her impossible close to me dying to mark what's mines. I start out with a gentle kiss before peppering kisses all over her face and neck. She drags her nails across my back at a certain spot I kiss and I smirk as I know that's her sweet spot. I suck and then kiss and then lick, in a cycle and she hisses and moans repeatidly as I do so. I decided I want them all over her and started giving her hickies all over.

"Santana what are you doing" she says and I smirk at her.

"I'm marking my territory" I say and she smirks.

We get in the car and drive back home with me staring at her and her smirking at my staring. We get in the house to see everyone is up and doing their own thing. We sit on the couch and Brittany can't stop smiling. I'm sitting on the couch and Brittany is sitting in back of me and I'm kind of laying on her as we speak.

"What" I say and she just smiles at me.

"I thought you could never date a 19 year old, that I have no expirienced with pleasing a woman" she says and I frown.

"Blake said that first and besides it doesn't matter britt, all that...."

"You think I can't please you like a woman truly should be pleased" she says and I frown.

"I'm never said that B. I would never disrespect you like that. When the time comes, I know you'll be ready britt" I say and rub my thumbs gently on her face. She sighs before putting her hands on top of minds and smirking.

"I know Sanny, I was just curious as to what you would say. Speaking of sex though, are you a virgin" she says and I laugh.

" Brittany I'm 24 not 12, of course I lost my virginity" I say and kurt laughs while I glare at him.

"No you didn't" she says and I frown.

"Yeah I did" I say laughing and I see her confused on the matter.

"Britt she isn't a virgin" quinn says as her, kurt and shane come into our circle and I frown.

"Then why did you laugh" I ask kurt and I look down infront of me to see Santana death glaring him to death. I cover her eyes and he laughs.

"Oh honey she doesn't scare me, she's isn't a virgin, correct but she surely has cob webs up in her....."

"I swear I'll snap your tiny d....."

"Dully noted" I say as I slap my hand over her mouth.

"Are you guys legit yet" I hear and know who it is but I look up to brittany. Instead of seeing a goofy smile I see her stare Jess down. It's as if she doesn't stop staring, something bad might happen. I grab her face and bring it down. I can feel her face tense as I hold her head and I whisper.........

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