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"Well, Mr. Fulghum, what do you think?"

"It looks like perfection," Mr. Fulghum said with amazement as he looked at the computer monitor in front of him.

"I thought you'd like it," Dr. Daedalus smiled.

"Is it showing any signs of rejection?"

"No, it has completely bonded with its new apendages."

"Excellent, when will it be ready for tests?"

"In the coming days sir." Mr. Fulghum smiled as he turned the monitor off and left the room, with Dr. Daedalus close behind him. The two men walked down the corridors of the building, staying completely quiet throughtout their walk. Mr. Fulghum grabbed the handle to the helipad door, pulling it open slightly, he stepped through with the doctor in tow.

"Should we tell the the first experiment?"

"Excuse me sir?"

"Tristen, should we tell him about his brothers?" Mr. Fulghum snapped at the smaller man.

"It's up to you, I'm only the scientist here."

"Yes you are," he talked down to the man. The two of them climbed into the 'copter, ready to go to another facility. The flight was in silence, as Mr. Fulghum worked on his computer. The doctor would look at his boss every now and again, but would stay quiet. The helicopter ride was quick. Landing on the building's roof, the pilot turned the engine off.

Mr. Fulghum stepped out of the vehicle and made his way into the building, Dr. Daedalus close behind him like a puppy. Walking down the winding staircase, the two men walked down to the sub-basement.

"Sir, you'll really like what we're doing here."

"And that would be?"

"Just wait! It'll impress you!"

"It better," Dr. Daedalus opened a door to a giant room. Cylinders stood at the walls, a watery liquid was inside. "This isn't impress me."

"Just wait sir, I haven't explained what's inside them." Going to a computer, the doctor started to do a few things, Mr. Fulghum waited impatiently. "Now sir, you have to imagine the power you could have with what's inside those. With them you could cripple cities, crush countries."

"I could do that with our Phoenix project."

"Well yes you could, but with this you can clear a path for project Phoenix. And what's better is that everyone is eligible for this."

"That's not possible, our candidates for Phoenix all became unstable and die, how could this one be different?"

"Cause this one is different."

"So your telling me that whatever is in those tubes, can destroy cities?"

"Countries sir, countries!"

"I'll believe it when I see it."

"Then let me show you subject one," a pair of doors opened up to reveal a man standing there swaying ever so slowly.

"Am I-"

"Let me throw someone else inside with it," Dr. Daedalus pressed a button for the intercom. "You can go into the room now." A door opened and a man was shoved into the room. "Now watch," Mr. Fulghum watched with a bored expression, as the man from before, went stiff, it slowly inched his way over to the person who was pushed in. The second man seemed to be screaming, but no sound could be heard. The first man lunged at the second and bit into him, ripping a piece of flesh from his shoulder, along with a bit of his shirt.

"What's going on here?"

"Ever heard of the undead, Mr. Fulghum?"

"That's just a myth, what you've got here is a cannibal!"

"Your wrong, what I've got here is a zombie. Just wait, when that dead man comes back to life you'll believe."

"He won't come back. Cause he is just a cannibal."

"How can you be so ignorant!? You wanted a weapon that could take over the world! When zombies come into the picture your out!?"

"I'm out when your's making people into cannibals!"

"Look at the other man! You'll see he isn't human anymore!"

"What I'll see is-" he stopped mid-sentence and went wide-eyed. The other man was getting to his feet slowly, even with his throat ripped out. "You've made monsters!"

"No! I've made the ultimate weapon, the only thing that could do as you wanted! You wanted the impossible, I've made the impossible!

"No, you've made monsters."

"I'm sure that these 'monsters' as you put it, can easily topple the most powerful countries."

"Let us see then, let these two go out, if they can take out Exudes, then I'll admit that I'm wrong."

"Consider it done sir," pressing the intercom button again Dr. Daedalus said, "let them out." A door opened slowly and the two undead men started to slowly walk out of their enclosure.

"Give it a year at least."

"I'll give it that, or until they are all dead."

"You mean everyone on Exudes?"

"No, your creatures."

"They'll survive."

"But if they don't, then you will be wrong."

"Fair enough," Mr. Fulghum started to walk back to the helipad. "Where are you going?"

"To another facility, I'd like to be as far as I can from your monsters."

"If these are monsters, what is Tristan?"

"He is a scientific marvel, nothing more, nothing less."

"But people would call him a monster."

"People are fickle, they'll call anything that they don't understand a monster."

"Just like you?"

"I want everything out of this building, especially anything that can link back to me."

"Yes sir," with those last words Mr. Fulghum left the other man behind, to see to other things.


I hope you enjoyed the Prologue!!!

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