The CountDown a.k.a New Year's Eve Kiss

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"Well after what happen, Logan is hell bent on never leaving your side." Johnny joked.

"It's annoying when he insists on staying in the bathroom when I shower"

Johnny gives me a look.

"I don't let him, of course" I clarify.

Johnny then looks over my shoulder at something, and then he breaks out into a goofy smile.

"What is it?" I ask.

He doesn't say anything but just points behind me. I look over and I catch my breath in shock, in the distance in the crowd I see the most wonderful and heart lifting thing.

Waving over to me in the freezing cold was Susan holding onto an annoyed looking Reed, Ben was also standing there holding onto Alicia taking up too much space. Right next to them Cap and Tony raised big thumbs up at me, Thor was doing a salute while Hawkeye was making ridiculous funny faces at me, which Natasha then smacks him over the head and politely proceeds to wave at me with Bruce besides her.

"Oh my God" I whispered, "They came?"

I turned to look at Johnny. He was smiling down at me, "They wanted to come for the first song but sadly missed it. But now they're here, let's not disappoint them"

I could feel my eyes gleam with determination, "Right" I nod at him.

I turn around and wave enthusiastically at all of them. Then I grab Johnny's hand and drag him over to the rest of the gang. David and Sara were barking at each other like wild rabid wolves while Kevin and Bridgette stood in the corner and just gapped at them in fear.

"We should just do an instrumental song! We don't have time to sing a song with lyrics!" Sara screams at David.

"Are you insane woman!? We are not Skrillex! We need a song with words!" David yells back.

"Your way is suicidal! You damn wombat!" Sara was seething, she looked like she would go into hulk mode if she could, how cool would it be if Sara was She-Hulk?

I waste no time in trying to raise my breath, I just reach out and yank both of their ears, hard.

"Listen up," I say to them. "We've got ten minutes left and we are gonna do this. I have a plan"

They instantly shut up and look at me, I point at David. "You, save you voice, we're gonna need you to do all that screaming on stage." I also point to Kevin. "You're also doing backup vocals" I say.

"Me!?" Kevin looked bewildered. We rarely, if ever, let him sing. It wasn't really his thing, and with David's recent denial of wanting to sing Kevin was even more tight lipped.

"Don't worry, Johnny's still gonna be doing the bulk of the singing" I reassure them. "It's just me and Sara are gonna really have to impress with the guitar and drumming." I look over at her. "So what do you think? Are you up for the challenge?"

She grins at me, "You know I am" she raised her hand to fist bump me, "Soul sisters forever"

"Okay good, cause the song I want us to do it Immortals" and I wait for the impending explosions.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" David whispered to me. Well, it was far better than yelling.

"Vick, that song is brutal!" Sara tried to reason. "It's our hardest set to date, we only use it for warm up!"

"And today I say we use it!" I tell them. "Sara, David, we already know the song like the back of our hand. I'll go teach Johnny's the vocals while you stay here and teach Kevin the effects and keyboards thingys"

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