Welcome to Dating An Alsina

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Miri POV-

"Miri!" Na-Na ran to my arms as Ra opened the door for me.

I picked up Na-Na up. "Hey Lil demon."

"Me missed you."

"Me missed you too." I kissed her cheek.

"Hey Ra."  I hugged her.

"Hey Miri."

"You been doing good in school?" I asked Na.

"Yeah but I hate it."

"You hate it?" I laughed.

"Uh-huh." She shook her head yes.

"Where Morgan at?" I asked Ra.

"In my room. We was talking." Ra said and I followed her back.

I nervously walked to the back with Shantel in my arms. I knew I had messed up with the way I talked to Morgan but I was angry and I just... I don't know. I wasn't thinking. When I'm angry I tend not to do that.

"Hey baby." I came to the door and put Na down.

Morgan ignored me. 😩

"Morgan can I talk to you." I asked.

"We have nothing to talk about." She scrolled through her phone not looking up.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Imma get Na something to eat, y'all
Talk." Rahiel got Na-Na and walked out.

I stepped in and closed the door. She was sitting in a chair, I came over to her and stood in front of her.

"I talked to Cals. She gon be good. She want to see you. I tried to keep her spirits high ya know. Make her laugh. I told her she had a pancake booty. She do tho." I chuckled.

Morgan looked at me unamused then back at her phone.

"Baby I'm sorry for talking to you like that."

She ignored me.

"Please say something to me baby." I touched her face, she smacked my hand away.

"I gave you a second chance for talking to me reckless with that hood bird shit. Your chances have run out. I don't care how mad you are, you not gon talk to me crazy. And then to throw my past in my face? That shit don't fly with me. I'm not one of that lil girls all googly eyed over yo ass."

I sighed heavily. "And I know that and I know I was totally wrong. I was going through it because of Callie. Feeling like I disappointed her."

"And you don't think I was too? And for you to blame me? I love Cals just as much as you."

"I know and I was wrong baby. That's why I'm here to tell you that. I'm like 18, cut me some slack. I'm going to make mistakes. I'm learning."

"18 or not you know right from wrong. You know how to talk to someone you supposedly love. You learn that shit when you five." She snapped getting loud and angry.

"Okay. What can I do to show you I'm sorry."

"Nothing." She didn't look up from her phone.

I sighed. "So we finished?"

"Yup." She said looking through her phone. "I put up with one fuck boi, I'm
Not doing another. Ain't no motherfucka gon talk to me like he crazy and think some sorrys supposed to correct that shit." She said angry, got up and left out.

I plopped on the bed with my head in my hands. I sighed and got up and , walked out the room to the kitchen where they were.

I looked at them to see if Morgan was going to say something. She didn't.

"Miri you hungry?" Na-Na asked me.

"Nah I'm just gon go. Give me some love before go."

"Aw man." Na-Na got up. "You always leaving. I never see you."

"I know I be at school. We'll do something soon okay." I hugged her and kissed her.

"Okay." She said as I put her down.

"Bye Ra."

"Bye Miri." She said cleaning off the counter.

I turned to Morgan.

"Bye baby. I know you mad at me, but Imma show you how sorry I am. Love you."

She didn't respond. I just sighed and left.

Morgan POV-

"Morgan you ain't have to do Yung Buck like that." Ra laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "He lucky I didn't pop his ass in the mouth. I only let him slide because I had to get Auggie to talk some sense into him."

"You know he didn't mean it." Ra said feeling sorry Amiri.

"Ra don't have sympathy on him. I told you what he said."

"I know but they all got them mouths. I have to check Auggie all the time. And let his behind know too, that ain't gon fly. But did you see his face Morgan."

I stale faced her.

She laughed.

"Those pathetic looks don't move me."

"Me either Auggie do the same stuff. But you didn't have to break up with him. You hurt that baby feelings."

"why are you feeling sorry for him?" I laughed.

"Cause if he's anything like his brother, he's crying his little eyes out now."

"Let em' cry." I said.

"Morgan forreal you too hard on him. He made a mistake. He apologized. You know he loves you and he wouldn't purposely hurt you."

I looked at Ra.

She laughed. "What? He's harmless. Just make him earn it. But don't break up with him. You know that would hurt you too."

"I just don't want to make it habit. You keep on allowing stuff then they start thinking its okay all the time."

"Just make it very clear to him. That this is the last and final time."

I sighed. "He better be lucky for you. Cause I sure was about to cut his ass off."

"Don't go over there now. Cause you know his mama here." Ra rolled her eyes. "Just stay here for however long. I don't want no drama with her and "her boys." Ra did air quotations.

"I thought y'all worked it out."

"No Auggie did. I still don't rock with her like that. I don't have time for drama."

"I feel you."

My phone buzzed. It was Amiri sending me a text.

Baby I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart. You my everything and I don't want to lose you. Please tell me what I got to do to keep you.

I rolled my eyes and  showed Ra.

"Welcome to dating an Alsina." Ra laughed.

"Yeah, yeah well this Alsina better learn I don't play that."

We laughed.

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