Hood Bird

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Miri POV-

"Amiri stop." Morgan said as I walked passed her and hit her butt.

I laughed and kissed her. "Good morning."

"Morning." She was putting her stuff in her luggage.

"Where you going?" I asked as I put on my deodorant. I had just got out the shower and was about to get ready for class.

"I think it's time for me to go." She said non-chalantly putting her things in her luggage.

"Go?" I said confused.

"Yeah. I don't want to be a burden on y'all."

"Morgan are you serious right now? Ain't nothing about you no burden. We love having you here baby. Especially me." I grabbed her waist and softly sucked on her neck.

She pushed me off. "Auggie's never here anymore since I've been here. I don't want him to feel put out of his own house."

"He not here cause he caking with Ra. He don't want us in his business. If you weren't here, he would be at Rahiel's."

"And what about your parents huh? When they find out in a condo they pay for I'm here and I'm not paying rent."

"Yo, yo, yo." I took the clothes out her hand. "Look at me." I told her.

She looked at me and folded her arms.

"Did Auggie say something to you?" I asked. Cause if he did I was gon crack him in the face.

"No." She sighed with her arms still folded.

"Cals said something?"

"No it wasn't Auggie or Cals." She went back to packing.

"Was it me?" I asked.

She didn't say anything.

"Baby if I did something tell me so I can change it? Whatever it is, I'm sorry." I tried to explain.

"It's not you Amiri. I just have to go." She said frustrated.

I stood there for a second dumbfounded that she was actually packing all her shit. Then it hit me.

"Oh I see." I shook my head understanding and went to put on my undershirt and boxers.

"you see what?" She looked up.

"You typical."

"What the hell thats supposed to mean?" She folded her arms.

"Exactly what I said." I went in my closet to find something to wear.

"No explain exactly what you mean?" She said offended.

"You a typical hood bird."

"Excuse me?" She came closer to me.

I turned around. Yeah she stabbed somebody but I ain't scared right now.
I'm mad as hell. 💪🏿 pray for me y'all that I come outta this argument Alive and with all my limbs. 😳

But anyway trying to be brave I stared down at her with my best mean mug. I was tall she was short.

"I said you a typical hood bird. Your old nigga come calling, give you some sorry ass apologies and you go right back. Passing up a nigga who really trying to be down for you and treat you right."

"That's what you think?" She raised an eyebrow and looked at me.

"Ain't no think. That's what I know. Gon leave. I ain't gon miss yo ass." I turned back to my closet to find me some clothes to wear to school.

I could tell she was staring at my back. I was too afraid to turn around so I kept pretending like I was looking in my closet, until she went back to packing.

I put on my clothes and left out to the kitchen. I got the cereal down and got the milk out the fridge. I sat at the counter and poured my cereal and milk into the bowl.

I picked my spoon up to eat and focused on eating my cereal. She came out the room with her luggage.

I pretended like I didn't see her. She went in Cals room to wake her up and closed the door.

Fifteen minutes later Cal came out crying hysterically.

"Morgan why? Where are you going to go?"  Cals asked.

"Cals stop. I'm good. I appreciate you for letting me stay here and just loving me. In a weird way, you're like my mother although you're younger."

"Amiri do something. Tell her not to go." Cals yelled at me.

I ignored them both and ate my cereal.

"I'll be good Cals." Morgan hugged her tight and kissed her forehead. Morgan peeled her away and got her luggage and walked out.

"You literally just sat there and did nothing. I hate you. How could you let her go, knowing she has no place. I thought you loved her? I thought you cared about her?" Callie yelled at me.

I ignored her. She quickly walked out the door after Morgan.

As I was eating I felt...

Was my left eye dripping like Auggie sensitive?

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😫😫

I quickly wiped that shit away,  ain't nobody gon catch me slipping. No sir-ee. I'm Amiri mutha-fucking Sylvester Alsina. I don't do no crying. Heauxs cry over me.

A nigga put you through hell and back, treat you like shit, beat yo ass, and you still want him back? Let her dumbass leave then. Ain't no losses over here. That's what my mind said, but my heart felt different. 😞

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