Dont F This Up

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Shantel aka Na-Na in m/m.

Auggie POV-

"Auggie you were wrong. Point. Blank. Period."

"No I wasn't." I rolled my eyes as my sister basically told me over FaceTime the truth about myself.

I didn't feel like hearing that shit right now. I just wanted her to tell me how to get my girl back. Not discipline me.

"You're reactionary. You do and say shit without thinking."

"I'm not reactionary I just tell the truth and niggas get upset because they can't handle it."

"And this is why your ass is single now."

"I'm single by choice. Don't get it twisted.  I don't want her ass no way. I was her mother fucking upgrade." I spat into the phone.

"Whatever. Me and O are going out tonight so I need to get ready." She sighed heavily.

"Fuck you Sata."

"Excuse me? Don't you ever fucking talk to me that way. My own husband doesn't even come at me like that. Don't take your fucking anger out on me because your girl doesn't want your cheating ass back. I'm trying to help you and you sitting up here not listening to anything I say. So this conversation is pointless." She hung up on me.

I sighed and called her back hoping she'd pick up.

"What?" She said looking in her closet for something to wear.

"I'm sorry. It's just...its just...forget it."

She looked at me and sighed. "Why are you crying Auggie?"

I wiped my face. "It's just you be there for niggas and they just throw you to the side like you don't mean shit. I sacrificed my entire last semester just to help her. Fucked up my gpa. But I didn't care, cause I love her and Na-Na like she my own and for her just to give up on a nigga like. Like that shit hurt Sata. A nigga fucked up And I'm sincerely trying to make it right but I don't know what else to do. "

"Aug Do I think she still loves you? Yes. Do I think she still wants you? Yes. But you have to give her time and get off of her back. And you sure as hell are not going to get her back saying stupid shit and Blowing up when you don't get your way. Nor by hounding her. I think you guys should work on a friendship for now and if it's meant to be you'll get her back. But for right now, just give her, her space and time. Earning trust back is not easy. It has to be done gradually. Do little things just to let her know she can trust you again. And when her trust is fully there I have no doubt she'll be my sis-in-law again. Aight?"

"Yeah." I wiped my face. "Thank you and Enjoy your dinner."

"Thanks. love you drama king." She smiled.

"Love you too." I chuckled and hung up.


"How y'all doing?" I walked into the salon where Ra worked at. I was met by eye rolls and "hmfs" with hands on the hips as I entered, which let me know I had been the topic of conversation. And good things weren't said.

But I was taking my Sister's advice. Trying to win her trust back gradually. And part of that was never breaking promises to Na-Na. I said I was going to take her to the Park and get ice-cream and that's what we were going to do.

"Auggieeeee!" Na-Na ran from out back and into my arms.

I gave her a million kisses as I picked her up and as usual she giggled wildly.

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