Don't Sleep On APA

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Auggie POV-

"Auggie you are clingy." Ra said as we laid on her bed watching tv. She had her had on my chest and arms around me.

"No I'm not."

She hit me with the stale face.

"I'm not." I said.

Na-Na came in the room and hopped on the bed.

"What you doing up princess ?" I hugged her as she laid on my chest as well.

"I woke up. "

"You woke up?"

"Yeah." She said playing in my curly hair.

"Na can daddy ask you a question?" I asked Shantel.

"Uh-huh." She came to my face and laid on my shoulder.

"Is daddy clingy toward mommy?"

"What dat mean?"

"Is daddy always up under mommy?" I clarified for her.

"Yes." She shook her head yes.

"Ahh whatever. You got my princess believing these lies." I told Rahiel.

"Auggie she don't have to believe she sees it." Ra laughed.

"Aight well since I'm so clingy, Imma go a whole week without being clingy."

"You wouldn't survive." Ra said.

"Watch. I'm only gon be with my princess." I kissed Na-Na's forehead.

"Okay." She rolled her eyes.

We heard the doorbell. Me and Ra looked at each other. It was sort of late and neither of us was expecting anybody.

"I'll get it."  I got up to get the door.

"Morgan what's up?" I saw Morgan on the other side of the door and invited her in.

"It's been a lot going on. But I need you to like go home right now and talk to Miri."

"What  he do?"

"So we found out today Callie had been raped."

"Wait this happened today?"

"Nah yesterday. She hadn't come home but she didn't call us. So we went looking for her. Couldn't find her. She sent a text saying she was cool. So we thought she was cool. But come to find out she called Quincy to come get her after it happened and she was staying with him. "

"Quincy did it?"

"Nah her professor."

"Her professor?"

"Yeah her speech professor. And me and Quincy are going first thing to talk to the administration and police. But Amiri got a gun from somewhere and I can't talk him out of it. Cause you know he got a class with the man." She sighed.

"Did y'all call her parents?"

"No it's like everything moving so fast."

"Stay here with Ra. Imma go over there and call my family." I told Morgan then went back in the room to change.

"Who is that?" Ra asked.

"Morgan. Just a lot going on. She gon stay here. Imma take your car." I quickly got dressed. Got Ra keys and left out.

I called my mother on the way.

"Hello." She answered half sleep.

"Ma. I need you to call Aunt Stac and Uncle Boobie and y'all need to come down here."

"What's wrong?" I heard her panic.

"Callie got raped. It was by one of the professors down here."

"Oh my God. Did y'all take her to the hospital to get a rape kit?"

"I don't know I'm just finding out it happened yesterday."

"You need to find out that should've been the first thing done."

"I know Ma but in situations like this you know we don't really know what to do."

"I'mma call Stac and Trav right now. Imma get the first flight out. If she has the soiled clothes, tell her not to wash them."


"I'll call you with my flight info to come pick me up. And let you know The time
Stac and them get there."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too baby. And y'all keep Callie encouraged."

"We will."

We hung up and pulled up to our condo. I parked the car. And went inside.  I cut on Amiri's light.

"Wake the hell up." I ripped the covers off Amiri.

"Don't come in my room like

"Where's the gun?" I started destroying his room.

"Stop touching my shit." He yelled.

I kept destroying his room looking.

He came up behind me and hit me. We started fighting until I got him in a choke hold on the ground.

"Where's the gun?" I asked holding his neck.

"Let me go." He tried to get out.

"Tell me where it is."

He kept grabbing at my arm to let him go.

"Tell me where it's at!"

He pointed to the book bag in the corner. I let him go.

He started coughing trying to catch his breath. I got the book bag flipped it over until the gun fell out and picked it up.

"Yo dumb ass don't even know how to shoot a fucking gun." I picked it up and put it in my pocket.

"That's not how we gon settle this. We gon let Ma handle it the right way. Don't forget your fucking mama was one of the top attorneys in Georgia. She gon get his ass. Believe me."

He got up and went in the bathroom and slammed the door.

I sat on the bed, trying to calm myself down and catch my breath. This was a lot to process. It hurt my heart something like this happened to Callie. But even more I knew Amiri was hurt and frustrated. Cals was  his best friend. But no matter how frustrated or angry we are. In times of crisis like this, we have to think level headed.

And I knew the right thing was to let our parents handle it. My mother hasn't practiced law in a while, but don't underestimate my mama and her skills. She was bad. And I knew she would handle it. The right way and ty legal way. And she wouldn't quit until
Cals got justice. Don't ever sleep on Amber Patrice Alsina. She is about to bring not only this professor, but this entire school down if they don't give Cals justice.

I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Amiri come with me to get Callie."

I gave him a minute and waited on the couch. He eventually came out and got ready. We didn't say anything.  He knew I only did out of love. We just got in the car and rode off.

Alsina's BoysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora