Protecting My Seeds

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Callie POV-

"Whoa. Hold the hell up, where are you going?" Miri looked at me.

"To mind my business

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"To mind my business." I tried to grab my coat, but Miri grabbed it.

"Amiri, give me my coat." I eyed him.

"Unh-unh. Where is earthy Cals. I want her and the curly hair. Not this one."

"She was lame remember? Give me my coat."

"That dress is inappropriate."

"How is this dress inappropriate, it's not showing anything."

"Its showing your arms. , it's showing your legs and head for that matter. Cover all this and It's tight all up in here." He touched the sides of my waist.

I moved his hands. "Give me my coat."

"Go change into something more age appropriate. Shouldn't no 17 year old be walking around looking like that."

I jumped on his back and wrestled him
To the floor for my coat.

"What are y'all doing?" Morgan came out.

"I'm getting my coat from this idiot." I hit him with it, then snatched it.

"Omg Cals you look gorgeous." Morgan said in awe.

"Really?" I smiled brightly.

"Yessss. If I was dude I'd scoop you up. Hell if I was a lesbian I'll scoop you up."

"Well thank you. My make up and hair is courtesy of countless hours of YouTube videos." I did a bow.

"Tell her to change baby. She don't need nobody looking at her." Miri said serious to Morgan.

"Miri. Please. Cals gorgeous they gon look either way."

"Tell her Jesus don't allow tight dresses that show her arms, legs or face. Jesus don't approve and neither do I." Miri said shaking his head.

"Miri that dress is not tight. She looks mature. Like Michelle Obama or something."

"Omg really?" I said super excited. That's exactly what I was going for. 🤗🤗🤗

"Yeah. Like you belong on a red carpet or something. Where you going?"

"Oh, I'm meeting a friend. We have a very important dinner."

"Dinner? It's a date?" Miri grilled me.

"No idiot. It's for a club at school."

"What club?" Miri folded his arm like he was a bouncer.

"Don't worry about it."

"Who is this "friend"?" Miri did air quotations.

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