New Bish

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Auggie POV-

I told my parents that I had to fly to D.C. To get my school stuff straight. That was only part of it. The main reason was so I could see Ra. She stopped picking up my calls. Ignored my text. Ignored my snaps. Ignored my Instagram comments and dms. Twitter Dms. Facebook Dms. You get the picture. 😩

They told me I could go under one circumstance-- I took annoying ass with me so he could get a feel for the campus. So here me and my brother were driving up to D.C. And I regretted every minute of it.

"Saucin', saucin', I'm saucin' on you
I'm swaggin', I'm swaggin', I'm swaggin' oh ooh
I'm ballin', I'm ballin', Iverson on you" Miri was singing bad into his phone camera.

I cut off the music.

"Nigga I was snapping."

I ignored him and kept driving. He reached back for the radio.

"Don't touch my shit."

"I'm not about to ride with your beige ass in silence. That shit is gay." He reached for it again.

"I said don't touch my shit. Put in your fucking headphones. We almost there anyway."

My phone began to ring. I answered it on my car's speaker.

"Y'all almost there?"

"Yeah Ma." I sighed. She been asking us this every 30 minutes.

"You not sleepy is you baby?"

"Ma. I'm good."

"Miri you alright?"

"Nah cause Auggie tripping. He won't let me hear my tunes."

"Baby y'all play some music it'll keep you awake."

"I'm good ma." I was so sick of both of them at this point. I just wanted to get to DC and see Ra.

"Come back to bed baby." I heard my dad's voice in the background.

"I'm just checking on the boys Aug. Wait." My mother told my father.

"Unh-unh. I'm done waiting." I heard kissing and sucking sounds in the background and My mother started breathing heavy.

"I'll call y'all back. Love you babies." The phone clicked off.

"I want to fucking throw up." Miri looked out the window in disgust.

I laughed. "Old people need love to."

"Just the image of them." He made a throw up sound.

We reached our exit and I drove to the condo our parents bought my sophomore year. I had enjoyed the last few years to myself but now I would be rooming with annoying ass and my cousin Callie. This was going to be the worse but I wouldn't be there anyway. I would be with Ra and Her daughter Shantel the majority of time. (Fingers crossed.)

We pulled up into the parking lot of the complex. I parked and we got our things out. I opened the door and we sat our stuff down.

"This is your room." I pointed down the hall. Don't touch my shit. Here's some money order you some food. I'll be back." I handed him the money.

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