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Jade drug along her family to see Niko graduate. He didn't mind except one person. Kayson, the one person who made Niko himself feel funny.

Niko always knew he wasn't like anyone in his grade. Girls with tight shirts and short skirts didn't affect him. Guys who were funny and nice made his heart skip a beat and pound. Girls who pressed their hands down below trying to get a reaction did not get any. Guys who winked and smiled directly at him made him question if he was straight.

Kayson made his heart skip multiple beats, pound like it was a drum, and he made Niko question himself.

"Nervous?" Jade teased Niko when she was fixing the tassel on his cap.

"A bit. I'll have to live like an adult now. I'll have to go to college."

"You don't have to. I mean look at Kayson, he's nineteen and is only working at a photographer's office filing papers. He doesn't need to go to college for what he wants to do. What do you want to do?" Jade fixes Niko's hair and he plays with the new lip ring he got from Hot Topic with the gift card.

Niko tells his friend for the third time. "I want to be a photographer. Like one who took wedding photos or just a professional one."

"See, you don't need to go to college for that, — you're all good, smile — you just have to be a really good photographer. I doubt you are bad because look at the pictures on your phone. You'll do great. I still have two years to go, so you have to tell me how it feels." Jade looks in the mirror and fixes her hair.

Niko drags a hand through his hair and plays with his lip ring again. He was nervous of not be able to find a job and he'll have to live at his dad's house for the rest of his life.

"Look, Niko, if you need some inspiration, go to my mom. She was a measly little girl who had dreams of becoming a known psychologist, and it took her about four years to achieve that, but that's good. You'll do great. Now smile and get to the school. I'll meet you there with my mom, Kayson, Finnegan, my aunt Sara, and probably Caroline." Jade pushes Niko to his dad's car and she goes to her mom's car.


I'm updating today because I won't be able tomorrow. I'm going to be booked with my friend, so yea here you go.

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