part 38

158 11 7

Alfa cierra POV

I look around myself and sigh. I'm in PIE's backyard...

"Sir! I think it was from back-" toast stops when he sees me.

"Hi Johnny... " I say awkwardly. "Bethany won't be here for awhile since she's still working on a device for herself...." I sigh.

Toast slowly unfreezes himself and nods.

"Oh... okay?" He says almost in a question, and walks back in.

I run over and notice he left the door open. He's so nice...

Alfa Bethany POV

"So what your saying is: Jordan is in Texas visiting and Issac and cierra are just going now, and your going in about a month too?" Mom questions and I nod.

"Yeah! Jordan says he would love for us four to come but we have to go individually, for money reasons." I lie and give a nervous laugh.

She nods with a smile.

"Okay! But be careful, since I'm not coming at least tell me that you'll be careful with no dangerous situations." She smiles.

Flashbacks of last time we we're in the character world flash before my eyes. Jordan getting shot, being in a wheel chair, Jimmy casket, Maxwell and Isaac, and even the time half the characters we're tiny.

"Yup! We won't do anything stupid or dangerous!" I lie again, because we always get into trouble.

She nods and walks away, going over to the kitchen.

"What do you think for dinner then hun?" She asks.

"Uhhh... steak?"

(Tbh my dinner tonight is steak, potatoes, and vegetables so yeah. XD

Have a strawberry and cookie! 🍓🍪

~ <3 your author )

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