part 32 ( hi x3 )

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Toast POV

"Sir, why are you so sleepy?" I ask ghost who just glazes around.
"No idea." He yawns.

I sigh and turn. the phone starts to ring like crazy, pretty normal for us. But usually ghost shoots up and runs to it, this time he just passed out... I sigh and answer it.

"Hello this-"

"Yeah yeah, we know. Listen, jordan suddenly fell into a coma yesterday... i didnt know if that was significant or not..." I hear Jordan mumble the rest.

"Yeah Jordan... explains a lot too. Thank you si- I mean Jordan!" I say and quickly hang up.

He had grown a hatred of me calling him sir. He just can't stand it, I don't know why but he hates it with a passion now. I look over at ghost. He snores away, resting his head on his hand. I walk over and wack his arm out from under his head.

"Sir really!"

"Aggh!" He screams a little when he felt his head fall, but quickly recovered. "TOAST!"

I shrug and sigh. As if I care... suddenly I turn to see him with a spatula. What the heck is he going to- OH GOD FROM THE HEAVENS RUN.

Alfa cierra POV

So... Bethany got all science-y and made the button... work for us. She is so persistent on getting to Jordan, I swear this woman sometimes! Isaac is wayy better with his memory. Although sometimes he has no clue what we are talking about sometimes.

"So we just... like press it?" Isaac asks hesitant and worried.

"Yep." Bethany confirms.

"Like just... go back their?" He gulps.

"Yes! Isaac just press it." Bethany sighs and face palms.

He has been standing their for about 15 minutes trying everything and anything to not press the button. We are pretty sure we can't trust that button, but Bethany sure thinks it is perfect. Isaac takes a deep breath and take out his hand from his pocket. He slowly makes his way to the button, where he struggled to even push it. He pressed the button with pure fear when... nothing happened.

"Wait what..." Bethany thinks. "Must have to not reverse polarity and instead give it a Mac of 6..." she says scientificly.

To me and Isaac it was all gibberish. This will be fun... note the sarcasm.

(Hi peeps x3

~ <3 your author )

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