Part 20: author note

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So I have noticed that I have gone from watching venturiabtale daily from weekly and now.... when ever I feel like it. I feel like the book will feel pushed since I'm not in an venturiantale mood.... lately I have been interested in House_Owner....

So in order to make the book not feel as if I am bored of it and pushed to write something, I won't be updating...

I know right bow you are just like: aj eggsbwidhdhdisnsudh I'M GETTING THIS OUT OF MY LIBRARY!!!

But instead listen to what I have to say.
I will still update when I am in the mood. This is as hard for me to type as it is for you to read.

But this is not the end....

Venturiantale NEVER ends!

Venturiantales Bigger AdventureOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant