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Chapter Five: Tsunami

Previously on Daughter of Zeus...

"Where is the other daughter?" The one with the skull mask on asked gruffly, it was a man's voice.

"Not here, obviously," Keres mocked. I noticed that all of them had guns on them, including Keres.

"You insolent child, tell us where she is!" The one in the cat mask yelled, it was a woman's voice, she cocked her gun, "I will shoot you if you don't tell us!" She threatens.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I wouldn't do that if I were you," Keres warned.

"And why is that?"

"Because you could kill me and if I am correct you need me, as I am the daughter of the sea. And I'm sure that whoever you work for would be very upset if they were to find out that I was injured," Keres coyly smiles, her voice was venomous. The cat mask one clenched her teeth, lowering her gun, "That's a good kitty," Keres teased.

"Where is she?" The one in the fox mask yelled.

"I don't know. Or I might know. It's hard to say really," Keres was grinning mischievously. She is enjoying this! I thought.

"To hell with this! I'm tired of your games! I'm going to count to three and if you don't tell me where she is I will shoot you!" He cocks his gun, aiming at her shoulder. Keres only smiles. I tried to move my feet but I had no more strength. "One! Two! Three-"

"Hit me with your best shot," Keres sneers.


"Narissa!" I screamed.


"Narissa!" I screamed out, a rush of adrenaline pumped through my body. I rushed over, grabbing the hand of the one who shot the bullet, breaking it making the gun fall out of his hand. Snapping his shin in half as well. The other two charged after me, I summoned the lightning that flows inside me, shocking them. They fell backward. I stomped on their hands breaking each bone in their hands, hearing the bones crunch beneath my feet. They screamed out in agony.

"Lacey! You idiot! What did you do!" It was Narissa's voice this time. Keres was gone. I turned myself to face her. A girl with striking red hair fell to the ground in front of Narissa, like a rag doll falling to the ground, blood seeped out of a gaping hole in her chest. Narissa dropped to her knees, the rain increased pouring buckets. The winds picked up speed, the clouds began to swirl.

"Lacey! Lacey" You idiot! You better not die on me!" Narissa shook her, Lacey's eyes fluttered open, she smiled, blood poured from her mouth.

"Are you okay, Narissa?" She coughed out more blood. Her teeth stained crimson.

"Yes. I'm okay, you moron," Tears fell from Narissa's eyes.

"Don't cry, sweetie," Lacey slowly raised her arm, with her hand, she wiped away her tears, "I'll always be with you," Lacey gave one last smile. Her hand fell, leaving a smear of blood on Narissa's cheek, just before it dropped to the ground. Her eyes closed, her breathing was shallow, I rushed over to the ground, ignoring the pain of sand digging into my cuts. I pressed two fingers onto her neck, there was a pulse, but it was fading. I looked at where she was shot, it wasn't fatal. But she is losing too much blood. I rip my shirt, pressing the torn piece onto her wound.

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