Raising The Emo Bad Boy's Kids...Great. {27}

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                                                                ***Ben’s POV***

                “Daddy, where’s Shane?” Shawn asked angrily. “He’s with mommy,” I said and picked him up. “I don’t like Newt,” he said. He and Shane had been having play dates with Newt as often as we could schedule them. She and Shane got along real well.

                “Why not?” I asked, knowing the answer. “She took my brother!” he said, a jealous look in his eyes. I smiled softly at him. “I sense a little green monster,” I said and he got a confused look. “Huh?”

                “It means you’re jealous,” I explained. “You’re mad that Newt is taking Shane away from you. But Shawn, he’s just making a friend. You’re going to make friends too, especially as you get older. They say that blood is thicker than water and someday you’ll understand what that means. He’s your brother Shawn; he’s with you forever.”

                But Shawn was only a 3 year old child and so all he did was cross his arms and pout. His brother had abandoned him for some girl they had just met. It was the way he was seeing it in his youth.

                The way Jeydyn viewed Ali and I was the way Shawn was now viewing Shane and Newt.

                Shawn suddenly got a curious look. “Daddy, where do babies come from?” he asked. Ah shit. I thought the kids weren’t supposed to ask me that until they were Jeydyn’s age?!

                “Why are you asking me that Shawn?” I asked. “I heard Aunt Jeydyn ask grandpa and grandpa made me leave the room,” he said with a deep pout. I smiled softly. So dad was finally going to tell Jeydyn? A frown took over. Ah shit. That meant my baby sister really was starting to grow up.

                “I’ll tell you when you’re older,” I said, praying to god he wouldn’t ever ask Chris. Chris wouldn’t be afraid to tell him. Hell, Chris would probably grab a girl and demonstrate if he had to.

                “Come on. You need your nap,” I said and picked him up before he could argue with me. I brought him into his room where Ali was placing Shane down for his nap. I smiled at her and kissed her after placing Shawn in his crib and kissing him.

                We left the boys room together, holding hands, and went downstairs. We sat down on the couch together and shared a kiss. My phone buzzed and I checked the message from Chris.

                News about the Jenny situation. Get your ass to my house.

                I mentally sighed. Oh god; here we go. “I have to go Ali. It’s important. I shouldn’t be gone long,” I said and got up. She frowned. “Is something wrong Ben?” I shrugged helplessly. “That’s what I’m going to find out right now.”  

                “Okay. Call me if you need me,” she said, getting up and hugging me tightly. I kissed her once more before leaving. I drove myself to Chris’s house and knocked on the door. He let me in and we sat down in his kitchen.

                “What’s up?” I asked, feeling nervous. He slid me a shot glass. I could smell the vodka. “You’ll need it,” he promised. I hesitated but took the shot. “Well?” “She’s getting a pregnancy test. She thinks she is. What the fuck,” he said miserably. I could smell the booze on him. He had been drinking well before I got here.

                “Chris, you can’t abandon your child if she is pregnant,” I said carefully. “I’m not you BJ! I can’t give up my life for some kid!” he said angrily. He may seem angry, but I could sense his desperation. He didn’t want this to be happening. He was scared. When he was scared, he got angry to cover it up. Chris thought fear was vulnerability. He didn’t want to be vulnerable. It made him feel like a child.

Raising The Emo Bad Boy's Kids...Great. [Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now