Raising The Emo Bad Boy's Kids...Great {16}

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                I nearly dropped the phone. Oh god. This was my fault! Why had I taken the boys away from Ben? I had walked out on him when he had a problem. This whole thing was my fault.

                I talked to JJ a little more before hanging up. I tried to comfort Shane without getting impatient. I needed to think and his screaming was distracting me.

                I took a few calming breaths before grabbing my cell phone and calling my best friend Dekka.

                “Hello?” she asked as Shane finally began to be quiet. “Dekka, I really need you to come keep an eye on the twins just for a little while,” I begged. “I’ll be right there,” she said and hung up.

                A few minutes later, she knocked on my door. I let her in and basically thrust Shane into her arms as I quickly explained the situation to her.

                I left the house and got in the car. I drove myself to Chris’s house. That bastard would know where Ben was. And I had a pretty good guess that Ben would be with Chris. Probably drinking or smoking or whatever the hell it was that he did with Chris.

                I knocked on the door and Mr. Saccento answered. “Oh! Ali!” he said, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Ben’s in the kitchen with Chris.” I was grateful that he had whispered for that. I nodded and thanked him as he let me in.    

                I made my way to the Saccento’s kitchen and saw Ben sitting with his head in his hands at the table. Chris watched him as he sipped on a can of Monster.

                “Ben,” I said in relief. His head snapped up and he looked at me with a broken look in his beautiful eyes. “Ali!” he cried and jumped up. I saw the anger and hate explode in Chris’s eyes as Ben hurried over to me.

                He wrapped his arms around me and lovingly pressed his lips to mine. “Your dad is worried sick Benjamin!” I said sternly.

                “If you’re here to yell at him, fuck off,” Chris snapped, glaring at me. Ben got a nervous look in his eyes. I knew that Ben was damn loyal to his friends. He didn’t want to snap at Chris, but he wanted to defend me. Normally, I wouldn’t care. But Chris was a bastard who was bad for Ben.

                “Shut up Chris. His father is terrified that Ben’s out trying to kill himself. I was scared that Ben was out hurting himself. We’re concerned about him so I went looking for him. If you have a problem with me being concerned about Ben, than you’re even more of a sick person than I thought you were,” I spat.

                Chris’s face turned bright red and he opened his mouth to say something. Ben held up his hand and shot Chris a look. “Don’t,” he warned dangerously. Chris, having been the victim of Ben’s anger before, backed off. But he continued to glare at me.

                “Ben, one week,” I whispered. “Please stay clean for just one week.” He held me close and squeezed his eyes shut. “I can do it,” he whispered at last. “I can stay clean for a week. And after that!” he added hastily.

                I smiled at him. He could do it.

                                                                                ***1 Week Later***

                I held the boys’ hands as we walked towards Ben’s house. I opened the front door and JJ winked and led me into the living room.

                Ben looked up from the couch where he had been reading this month’s issue of AP and exploded into a joyful smile.

                “Shawn! Shane!” he cried and ran to them. He dropped to his knees as I released their hands and they launched into his arms. “Daddy!” they shrieked. He held them tightly and kissed them both lovingly.

                “Come on Ali,” he said, motioning me over. I walked over and joined in the hug. Ben smiled after a while and looked up. “I think we need to go shopping now that you guys are moving back in here,” he said and stood up.

                We picked up the boys and drove to the grocery store. I put Shawn in the little seat in the shopping cart and set Shane in the actual cart part. I pushed the cart as I walked with Ben. We grabbed some stuff for the house and food for the boys.

                Ben suddenly froze and I glanced at him curiously. His eyes were absolutely terrified. I followed them and my eyes widened as well. Oh my god.

                You see, Ben’s parents were legally divorced now. His dad refused to date because he was scared for Jeydyn. Jeydyn had been terrified of her own mother. JJ was afraid of what a step mom would do to her while she was recovering from the 6 years of abuse.

                Ben’s mom, however, had moved on.

                Her boyfriend had gone to jail for violently beating Ben. He had gotten out of jail and they had gotten married. Ben hadn’t seen his mom since the boys had been born. He hadn’t seen his step dad since he had gone to jail for abusing Ben. I had caught him trying to rape Ben once.

                And now he stood just a few feet away from us, glaring at Ben in hate.

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