Raising The Emo Bad Boy's Kids...Great {5}

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                I sighed deeply as I drove home. Shane sat in his car seat licking a lollipop the doctor had given him. The doctor had assured me Shane would be fine. He had given me a prescription and we had picked it up along with some groceries.

                I pulled into the driveway and got Shane out of the car. I carried him into the house where JJ was sitting. He looked up. “How is he?” he asked. “He’s alright. The doctor gave us some medicine to force into him,” I said, realizing how hard it would be to get a 3 year old to willingly take medicine.

                “JJ, there are groceries in the trunk. Can you please get them while I give Shane his medicine?” He nodded and left to get the groceries. I brought Shane up to the bathroom with his medicine.

                I poured it into the plastic cup it came with. “Here Shane,” I said, taking the lollipop and holding up the medicine. He looked terrified. “No! I don’t wanna!” he cried stubbornly, swatting his hands at it.

                “Shane, please!” I begged. “No! Daddy! DADDY!” he shrieked, starting to cry. “SH!” I hushed desperately. The bathroom door was flung open and Ben stood there.

                “What? What’s wrong?” he cried. I shook my head. “Nothing. He just doesn’t want to take his medicine,” I said with a sigh. “Daddy!” Shane sobbed, reaching his arms at Ben. Ben hurried over and picked him up, hugging him and trying to comfort him.

                Shane buried his face in Ben’s shirt as he cried. I looked at him in sympathy. Poor Shane. He really wanted Ben to hold him. But I knew it was important for Ben to spend a lot of time with Jeydyn too.

                I help up the medicine with a shrug.

                Ben took it from me and carefully set Shane down. “Shane, can you please take it?” he asked gently. Shane shook his head furiously. “No!” he cried. Ben got a thoughtful look. “What if I let you have a cookie?” he asked with a smile.

                Shane stopped his crying. He reluctantly opened his mouth and drank the medicine. I laughed and Ben gave him a hug. “See Ali? A little bit of bribery goes a long way,” he said, stroking Shane’s hair lovingly.

                I shook my head. “I don’t think that’s the best way to raise the boys,” I said jokingly. I stopped laughing and my eyes widened. “Ben, where’s Shawn?!” I cried. He rolled his eyes. “Really Ali? You really think I lost my son? He’s in his room with my grandma.” I relaxed instantly.

                “The medicine should make Shane drowsy. I’ll go put him in his crib and take Shawn downstairs to eat,” I said. Ben nodded and passed Shane to me.

                I carried Shane into the bedroom. “Take a nap buddy,” I said and kissed his forehead. He sleepily closed his eyes, sticking his thumb in his mouth. I bit my lip, not wanting to disturb. I sighed. He would be fine sucking on his thumb.


                I spun around. I hadn’t seen Shawn playing with Ben’s grandma on the floor. Ben’s grandma was fairly young. She was 68 and deeply loved her son, grandkids, and great grandkids. She also seemed to love me and my family.

                “Hi Claire,” I said with a small smile. “Mommy, what’s Shane doing?” Shawn asked before sucking on a toy block. “Shawn!” I whined and walked over. I pulled the block out of his mouth. “Mommy!” he whined right back, reaching for it. “No Shawn. You don’t put this in your mouth!” I said sternly.

                Claire chuckled and stood up. “He’s hungry. Do you want me to get him some lunch before his nap?” I shook my head and picked Shawn up. “It’s alright; I’ve got it.”

                I brought Shawn downstairs where Ben was making grilled cheese. He glanced at me. “I’m making two. One for him, one for Jeydyn,” he said before going back to making the food. I laughed and set Shawn down in his seat.

                Ben handed him the grilled cheese and kissed his cheek. “There you go little guy,” he said and smiled at him. “Jey!” he called. “Sh! Shane is sleeping,” I said, jokingly punching his arm. He pulled me in close for a hug.

                I rested my head on his chest and hugged him back tightly. I turned my head towards him and our lips pressed together for a deep kiss. We pulled away and smiled at each other. “I love you so much Ali,” he whispered before leaning down and kissing me again. “I love you Ben,” I said. We kissed deeply again.

                JJ cleared his throat as he entered the room. A blush crawled onto my cheeks but Ben continued to kiss me. “Benjamin,” JJ warned. Ben reluctantly pulled away and glared at his father. “What?” he snapped.

                JJ sat down and nodded at Shawn. “You two have enough trouble with just 2 kids. Don’t make it more.” Ben glared harder. “Shut up,” he growled dangerously. “Ben, please stop,” I begged quietly. “Shawn’s right there.”

                Ben wrapped his arms around me lovingly. Jeydyn entered the room and offered a look of hatred in my direction before sitting down with her food.

                                                                                ***Ben’s POV***

                I caught the nasty look Jeydyn gave Ali and frowned deeply. My dad was giving both of us a similar look. He was so stupid. Did he really think Ali would even want to have sex with me again? She had given birth to two babies already. I was pretty confident when I said she didn’t want to have any more kids.


                Shane’s voice came from upstairs. I could tell he was crying. Ali’s body tense up in worry and I spun her around. I pressed my lips to hers lovingly before leaving the room to get my son.

                I didn’t mind taking care of the boys. I loved them. I had raised my baby sister when I was only 10 years old. I had a lot of experience. I also didn’t mind working. Did I like it? No. But I could live with it.

                I entered the room and went over to Shane. He sobbed in his crib. I picked him up and instantly knew what was wrong. Shane had wet himself in his sleep. I mentally sighed as I carried him to the bathroom to change him.

                I changed him before carrying him back towards his room. I set him in his crib and turned to leave the room so he could sleep.

                “Daddy no!” he shrieked. I spun around with a frown. He began to cry again and reached his arms towards me. I went over to the crib and picked him up. “What’s wrong Shane?” I asked in worry. Why was he so attached to me lately? Usually he quietly followed Ali around everywhere, liking to be held by her.

                His tiny fists gripped my shirt tightly as he sobbed more. “Daddy don’t go,” he sobbed. “Shane, I’m not leaving! I’m right here buddy,” I said soothingly, kissing his forehead. He still refused to let go of my shirt. I stared at him in intense concern.

                There was definitely something wrong with Shane.

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