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Ivy and I were hanging out at a little café around lunch time. "So how's work," Ivy asked me. I took a sip of my tea and then smiled afterwards.

"Pretty good. More people have been showing up at the club," I said.

"Well, that's because you're amazing! I'm surprised that a recruiter hasn't shown up yet. I shrugged my shoulders. I really wasn't to be honest. Why would a recruiter show up at Junior's club to begin with? I mean, it's located in the bad part of the city. "One of these days a recruiter is going to show up," my friend said.

"Who knows Ivy? I'm fine working at the club though." Ivy sipped her latte and slouched back in her chair. I looked at my watch, seeing what time it was. "I've got to get going. I need to start getting ready for tonight. I'll see you later," I said as I got up from my chair. Ivy also stood up and followed me to the door. We hugged each other once we got onto the sidewalk.

"I'll be coming to the club tonight Blake. I'm going to see you perform tonight at the club," Ivy said with her friendly smile. Then a familiar scent filled my nose. Yang? Oh no. I scanned the surrounding area for the blonde. Then I spotted her. My eyes grew wide in fear. "Blake?" Ivy's voice was distant to me. It was too risky for me to be out in the open like this. I bolted, heading back to my apartment without saying another word to Ivy. "Blake!"

*      *      *

I was walking down the street looking for Blake again. "Have you seen this woman," I asked a group of teens passing by. They all looked at the photo I had of Blake.

"Sorry miss, we haven't seen her," one girl said.

I sighed solemnly, thinking that I was never going to find her at this rate. "Thanks," I said. They apologized again and then walked off.

"Blake!" Wait, did I hear that right? A black blur ran by me. My heart stopped for a moment as I continued to watch the person run away. Could it really be her? I decided to run after. I have to know if it's my Blake. However, when I made the turn around the corner, I ended up coming face to face to face with a busy street. The sidewalk was crowded. There'd be no way I could find her in all of these people. I sighed in defeat and decided to just go home.

It was about a thirty minute ride back home from downtown Vale. I walked through the door and ended up walking in on Ruby and Weiss making out. All I could do was groan and then run to my room. Seeing them like that made things that much harder on me. All I want is Blake and yet I can't have that! Once I closed my door, I broke down in tears while sliding down the door until I met the floor. Why can't I find her? Why did she run off on the day of graduation? Where did she go? "Where are you Blake?! Why can't I find you," I sobbed.

*      *      *

I knew Yang was running after me. I had to lose her. There was no way I was about to let her catch me. For months I've been avoiding my team and old friends. For years I thought she was dead. Why won't she just give up and leave me alone? I just want to be left alone. Is that too hard to ask for?!

When I reached my apartment, I made a bold yet risky move. I contacted Ruby. 'Ruby, tell Yang to BACK OFF!' ~ Blake

It literally only took seconds for the girl to reply. 'Blake?! Oh my god! We thought you were dead after all of this time!' ~ Ruby

'No, I'm not. Now please have Yang stop looking for me!' ~ Blake

'Blake she really misses you. She won't stop looking until she finds you.' ~ Ruby

'I don't care Ruby. It's making it harder for me when I know that she's still looking for me. I have to hide basically every single day now because I'm afraid of her finding me.' ~ Blake

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